Chapter 16

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" I want to get on that ride ! " my brother Rodney pointed to this huge scary looking ride .

" I'm not getting on that. " London said.

" You're not tall enough anyways, so somebody have to stay back with you. " I told her.

" I'll stay with you sis . " Princess held her hand and I stared at her like she was crazy.

" Let's go before the line for this ride gets any longer. " Prince said and we grabbed the four seated float and walked upstairs . I've been having a good day so far. My brother and sister are really cool and fun to be around. Me and Princess haven't really talked but I don't care . London likes them , so that's a big plus in my book .

When we finally made it to the front of the line I got scared . The ride is so huge ( in the multimedia ) and I was getting nervous. I love taking chances though so I don't mind. We sat in the four seated float and the worker pushed it down. I started screaming from the top of my lungs. It's fun but it's scary at the same time. When we reached the bottom I lowkey wanted to do it again.

" Let's go to the wave pool daddy ! " London grabbed his hand and we followed behind.



" Daddy can I get those sandals ? " Nicole asked me .

" You lucky I love you , those things are high for sandals. " I told her and she laughed.

Today me and Nicole are spending time together . We went out to eat at IHOP , went to the movies and now we're at the mall.

" How would you feel if grandma had full custody of you ? " I asked her and she shrugged.

" My mom is mean , but I still love her. I don't want to not be able to spend time with her. " Nicole said and that made me think . Her mom was using me for my money , but that's still her mom. Regardless of the situation she might be better off with her mom.

" I don't think your grandma would keep you away from her . " I told her honestly.

" Why can't you just do it ? I like your house just as much as grandma's . "

" Your mom wouldn't like that sweetie. " I told her honestly.

" Why ? " she asked.

" I don't know , but if it makes you happy we can try. " I told her.

She smiled . I never wanted my child to experience living with two different parents . I never wanted my child to worry about which parent they're spending time with for the holidays. I messed up when I got her mom pregnant, but I got the biggest reward out of it .



" King put her down ! That's why she's so spoiled now ! " I scolded .

" Shut up , I'm not putting her down until you tell her sorry." King said as he held Liyah who just finished crying. I popped the shit out of her for coloring on my walls. King doesn't think anything is wrong with that. I'm pissed off the hell off .

" Dada ! " Liyah tapped King and pointed to me .

" I know , she's mean." King told her.

I rolled my eyes.

" She's going to be spoiled rotten and it's going to be all your fault ! " I told King.

It's been a few weeks and Liyah is attached to King . Every time she does something bad she runs to him and hides from me; meaning she knows she's wrong but she just continues to do it. King's son comes over here a lot . His mom doesn't like me , but King doesn't care so he still brings him over here.

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