Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I handed Dr.Roberts the materials to remove the bullets. The first bullet was removed immediately, but from the looks of it Dr. Roberts and Dr. Van were having a hard time removing the second one.

" How's everything looking Doc ? We've reached the 40 minute mark. " I said out loud.

"He is going to make it. He's barely. bleeding but , he might need another kidney, because if we get any closer we might have to take it out " Dr. Van said. I wrote everything he said down onto my notepad.

After about twenty minutes they were able to remove the second bullet.

" He's responding well. Bring him to room 3024. The medicine have him knocked out for another hour at the least." Dr. Roberts said. He went to the front to talk to his family members, if he had any here.

When we made it to room 3024, put the IV into his arm and put a put a oxygen mask over his face, just incase he stopped breathing.

I filled out some of his paper work and examined him. My eyes started to water as I started thinking about ways to let him die. I just don't think I could do it. I have two beautiful kids from him and for that I can't let him die. The girls both look just like him; everytime I think about doing something bad to him their images popped up in my head.

I was knocked out of my thoughts when a woman around my age walked in. She was tall, almond colored face , big butt, big breasts, and her tracks were long and straight. She wasn't ugly at all. She was dressed pretty flashy, with a Versace dress on and some Louie Red bottoms.

" Ohhmyygoshh , Prince nigga what the fuck is wrong with you, scaring me like that ? Your blood almost got on my red bottoms. Damn boy " she sighed out into frustration.

When she noticed I was standing there she rolled her eyes.

" can I have some privacy with my man please ? " she asked me catching an attitude. I put on a fake smile.

" sure " I replied and I walked out.

I called my mama to check on her and to see what the girls were doing.

" Lonnie wants you with her little spoiled ass " my mom said. I instantly smiled.

" My baby London is not spoiled, she just misses her mommy. " I told my mom.

" yeah, I bet. What time you getting off tonight ? " she asked me.

" In like a hour . I get off at 9. Imma pick the girls up "

" Alright, get back to work then girl. Love you . "

" Love you too ma." I hung up the phone. I looked at the time on my Michael Kors watch and saw that it was 8 o'clock sharp.

I walked into the room and saw Prince's girl I'm guessing still sitting there.

" m'am visiting hours are now over. " I told her nicely. She blew her breath .

" I don't have to go no fucking where I'm staying here with him. " I pressed a button on Prince's bed to call the doctor .

" if you don't want to follow the rules, I'm a afraid I'll have to call security . " I told her putting on a nice act. I wanted to bust her ass, but I have to much respect for myself.

Dr. Roberts walked in and a security guard was behind him. I'm guessing someone else reported the commotion, because I never called security.

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