2. The King With A Frozen Heart

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"The lotus flower won't bloom until the day the fates of those who are destined to meet will intertwine

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"The lotus flower won't bloom until the day the fates of those who are destined to meet will intertwine. That's my gift to your son, Korn Theerapanyakul," the woman clothed in gold and face shrouded under the vail of chiffon, says as the lotus flower appears in the lake just outside the crown prince's chamber.

And the crown prince sleeps peacefully in the nanny's arms; unaware of such a peculiar gift.

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The Nanny is watching His Majesty with bubbling anticipation in her veins. Blooming lotus means good things. Great things. Blooming lotus might even mean the end of this horrible bloodsheding.

But when the air turns cold and the snowflakes start kissing her skin and melting right after, her hopes wither down like cherry blossom after spring.

"Your Majesty, why are you angry? Blooming lotus is a good thing. Didn't we all want it? Didn't you want it? The woman said that—"

"I know what the woman said!" the gentle fall of snow is turning into a blizzard, and the nanny has to cover her face with her palm.

"Your Majesty, please..."

The snow stops, and Kimhan frowns at the nanny. Maybe if he was still a child, he would even apologise, but now he no longer can bring himself to do that. In war, apology means nothing.

"I know what the woman said," he repeats, calmer now. "But out of all days... out of all those years, it blooms on the day when Porchay Kittisawat is to be brought to his knees right in front of me?"

"The lotus flower won't bloom until the day the fates of those who are destined to meet will intertwine—"

"I am not destined to meet him," Kimhan says resolutely. "I am writing my own destiny." He looks right at the nanny, "burn the flower!"

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Porchay wakes up in a carriage. But it's not his. This one is three times that big, the seats are comfortable and next to him sit two men. One he doesn't recognise, and the other one is the one that confronted him back in the forest.

It takes Porchay a couple of seconds to realize what is happening, but when he does, his body falls into cold hands of terror; he feels like he can't move, can't talk, can't even breathe as if he is completely paralyzed. It happened. The Theerapanyakul Dynasty picked the Heavenly Flower from the Kittisawat's garden and took him away. Is he going to die? Porchay doesn't believe he is. If they wanted him dead, they could have killed him right there in the forest, bury him with skeletons of all his men. But if they don't plan to kill him... what it is their desire? He heard that Korn Theerapanyakul is an unpleasant man, but it's apparently his youngest son whose heart has always been frozen.

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