14. Snowflakes

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"...Please, just don't hate me."

"It doesn't matter where you will kneel in front of me. All that matters is that you will kneel," Porchay says looking at his husband, kneeling in front of him. "You said that to me before our wedding, remember?"

Kimhan slowly nods, "I do."

"I have something to tell you as well, now," Porchay slowly sinks to his knees, facing his husband. "It doesn't matter where you will kneel in front of me, I will kneel with you."

Kimhan feels like something is squeezing his heart and doesn't want to let go. His chest feels incredibly heavy. He has no idea what this means and he is too afraid to ask. His Majesty Kimhan Theerapanyakul is too afraid to ask...

"That doesn't mean I'm suddenly going to become a loving husband. No," Porchay shakes his head. "What this means is that despite hating to admit that—I do understand you now. And I want the same thing you do—for the people in our kingdoms not to live in fear and suffering anymore. If uniting our kingdoms is the best way to achieve that, then I'm ready to do everything I can to help you. This is me kneeling with you whenever you will because I finally understand that we want the same thing. I don't think that I hate you anymore, but I'll always remember how I've become your husband, Kimhan. No matter what will happen in the future, what feelings I will carry in my heart, that one thing will never change."

"Marrying you is the one thing I'll never regret, little flower," Kimhan whispers, leaning closer to Porchay. "I regret the way it happened, but not that it happened."

"Why are you saying things like this? Why are you making me feel things I shouldn't feel?" Porchay's voice sounds desperate. Desperate for Kimhan to stop.

But Kimhan can't stop. Not right now when he finally feels that things are changing for the better. He leans even closer to his husband, hand slowly, carefully—afraid that Porchay will pull away—cupping Porchay's cheek and asking, "who says you can't feel them—you or the years-long war between our families?"

"It doesn't matter," Porchay's voice trembles as he says that.

"It does. To me, it does," Kimhan replies and captures Porchay's lips with his own. He is aware of the fact that this can ruin all the progress they have just made. But what if? What if this won't ruin anything? What if Porchay will kiss him back? What if... Kimhan's heart stops beating for a moment—Porchay is kissing him back. The soft pressure of Porchay's lips on Kimhan's lips makes everything inside Kimhan turn into tender snowflakes decorating his soul. But the pressure doesn't last more than a brief moment before it stops and Porchay goes completely still. Kimhan doesn't want Porchay to think why he did it... why he kissed Kimhan back... He just wants to feel that soft pressure and those snowflakes inside of him again.

But when a loud knock comes at the door and a voice from behind the door says, "Your Majesty, His Royal Highness Kinn has returned from the battlefield and he has important information for you," the magic of the moment disappears and the snowflakes inside of Kimhan melt as if they were never there. Porchay stands up first. He doesn't even look at Kimhan, just walks out of the chamber, not saying a word.

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