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Chay bites his bottom lip

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Chay bites his bottom lip. Squinting his eyes, he pushes the pain away. His shoulder is bleeding but the wound doesn't feel too deep so he should be alright. But the General Sun soon might not be if Porchay doesn't stop his husband from making a huge mistake. Killing General Sun right now would definitely get Kimhan killed as well.

"My... my deepest apologies, Your Royal Highness. Please forgive such a low human like me. I didn't mean to—" General Sun can't finish his frantic apology because his face suddenly turns ashen pale and he drops to his knees, hands pressed to his chest. Porchay remembers how it feels—when Kimhan gets to your heart and slowly takes your life away.

Porchay shakes his head and puts his free hand on Kimhan's wrist, squeezing it a little. "Don't," he says, making eye contact with Kimhan.

"You are bleeding," Kimhan replies as if that's enough of a reason to kill the man.

Porchay squeezes Kimhan's wrist a little bit tighter and says again, "for me... don't!"

A couple of seconds later he can hear General Sun gasping for air right outside the carriage. Chay lets out a deep breath, "thank you."

"Your shoulder..." Kim says back.

"It isn't that deep. At the palace... you can take care of it," Porchay presses his hand on his shoulder wound even tighter and turns away from Kimhan. Right now, he has no time to think about whether Kimhan wants to take care of him or not. Maybe he shouldn't even say it this way, but it's already done now.

General Sun is down on his knees, still clutching his chest, slowly taking deep breaths. The rest of the soldiers are standing around, quietly waiting for the orders; some are visibly unsure who the order should come from.

Porchay leans out of the carriage. Blood from his shoulder is dripping down to General Sun's feet. He looks at General Sun and then at all the soldiers. "Who am I?" He asks out loud.

"His Royal Highness Heavenly Flower Porchay," they all reply.

"That is who I am, which means that when I order something you must do it! Is there someone else who wants to argue with me? If not, then, either escort us to the palace or let us and our guards pass!"

Soldiers slowly, one by one start to nod, and then, General Sun finally stands up and bows down to Porchay, "please accept my apology, Your Royal Highness. Please feel free to continue your way to the palace."

"You made the right choice," Porchay nods towards General Sun. And then he looks at the guards who came with him and Kimhan, and says, "we can continue."

The guards nod, and without any more words, Porchay closes the door to the carriage and falls back into his seat right next to Kimhan.

"Is he going to just live freely after what he had done to you?" Kimhan's voice caresses Porchay's ear.

"Are you living freely after what you have done to me?" Porchay asks back, his eyes closed—crazy how he now feels like he can have them closed around Kimhan without being afraid of what Kimhan will do to him. He is trying to keep a calm breath, but he is starting to get dizzy. He needs the wound to close.

WINDS OF SNOW ☆ KIMCHAY AUWhere stories live. Discover now