26. Heartless

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Porchay has never quite felt so much resentment as he is feeling right now

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Porchay has never quite felt so much resentment as he is feeling right now. Not even when Kimhan kidnapped him and forced him to marry him. Not even when his father was killed and the kingdom was thrown into a pointless, devastating war. Not even when his brother kept acting like they were strangers like there was no closeness anymore. Until now, Porchay didn't even know that he would be able of feeling so much anger, such a need to destroy... to kill...

The Heavenly Flower never has the need to kill... it's always the need to heal... but not now.

No one will make another scratch on his husband's body. No one will even come close to Kimhan without Porchay's permission. Porchay will take care of him. He will take care of everything. He is strong and intelligent, and for his husband, he can be heartless as well.

Gritting his teeth, he takes another step and then another, never breaking eye contact with Teacher Mao. "You... won't ever touch my husband again! That, I swear to you!"

"I won't? And how are you going to stop me? You are barely walking," Teacher Mao laughs, taking a sword from a man standing right behind him and turning around, facing the almost-dead king of the Theerapanyakul kingdom.

Porchay's body burns. He can feel it in every fibre of his body. His power, Kimhan's power... it wants to wake up... he is close to his husband now... everything is coming back. And Kimhan's power will as well, he just needs to will it to work. And seeing his husband's unconscious body while Teacher Mao is casually swinging the sword approaching Kimhan, Porchay knows he doesn't have much time.

"What do you want?" he shouts, climbing another couple of steps.

"What do I want?" Teacher Mao chuckles. "Let's start with your husband giving up his kingdom. Put down the weapons, tell soldiers to surrender, and then... let me kill them nicely, one... by... one. And then," Teacher Mao stops right in front of Kimhan, and turns to look at Porchay, "then I think that your brother should think about abdicating because let's face it... someone like me would be much better on the throne of this kingdom. Look," Teacher Mao opens his arms wide, "look around what I have done in a couple of days that Our Majesty didn't in years! Our arch-enemy Kimhan Theerapanyakul almost dead! The people of this kingdom follow me and my words... they believe in me!"

Porchay looks around. The people, they can't be more than a couple of hundred, are standing around, silent with weapons in their hands, just waiting for what will happen. That's not the people of this kingdom. That's the people of one village, maybe.

Porchay ducks his head and laughs. He can't help himself. It just happens. It's a cold, anger and frustration-filled laugh that surprises even him.

He looks up at Teacher Mao, who's glaring down at him, "what are you laughing at? You think I'm joking? Oh, please, Heavenly Flower, don't underestimate me."

Porchay shakes his head, getting closer to the top, "I don't think you are joking, but tell me, what do you even know about me and my husband? Do you know that we share our powers? Do you know that I can kill you before you can even take your last breath? Or... do you know that I can make it slow? Painfully, frighteningly slow? It starts at the tips of your toes. They burn with freezing cold, and then suddenly, they are so warm it's almost unbearable until you can't feel them anymore. And then that tingling cold sensation moves higher, curls around your ankles like bony fingers of death, crawling up your calves, paralyzing your knees—"

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