3. The Blooming Lotus

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His Majesty Kimhan Theerapanyakul is just like the legends about him say; face crafted like a statue, shoulders broad and covered in heavy armour, but his waist small, almost petite—Porchay thinks that this might allow him to be swift and dexterou...

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His Majesty Kimhan Theerapanyakul is just like the legends about him say; face crafted like a statue, shoulders broad and covered in heavy armour, but his waist small, almost petite—Porchay thinks that this might allow him to be swift and dexterous in the combat, he isn't particularly tall, Porchay might even be a bit taller than him, but the aura around him is enough to assure the dominance.

His eyes are black like a night sky. But there are no stars in it. It's just emptiness and coldness staring right at Porchay. As if that frozen heart froze everything else in that god-crafted body.

Porchay gulps down, the king's words echo through his mind like the sound of weapons during a battle, sharp and ominous. To kneel in front of Kimhan Theerapanyakul? To give up his dignity like that? To give him his title, his status, his entire dynasty like that just to stroke the king's ego?


The Heavenly Flower His Royal Highness Crown Prince Porchay Kittisawat will never kneel in front of anyone with the Theerapnyakul blood in their veins.

Porchay straightens up his posture, tips his chin up, and looks right into Kimhan's eyes. He isn't afraid, and Kimhan should know that, "I won't kneel."

Kimhan can see the appeal of the Heavenly Flower, why everyone in the Kittisawt Dynasty wants to protect him like he is the most precious gem in the world. Porchay Kittisawat is the exact opposite of Kimhan Theerapanyakul. His aura is feather-like, so gentle and warm, his face tender and welcoming, no sharp edges and hard features, he looks sweet like the sweetest cake, his eyes bambi-like shine with child-like wonder even now, as if it's always there, no matter the situation, his velvety lips are plum and perfect shade of pink, his right cheek is covered in droplets of carmine blood, that drips down his neck and paints his lavender blue robe in its deadly vividity. Kimhan doesn't know what exactly happened when his soldiers captured the flower, but whatever it was, it made the flower even prettier.

Such a purity in the world.

Kimhan can't wait to ruin it.

He gets deeper into the chamber and stops right in front of Porchay, "you won't kneel? And how will you complete the wedding ceremony then, little flower?"

Wedding ceremony? So this is the reason why Porchay is here? This is the reason why they didn't kill him in the forest? He is to be wedded to His Majesty Kimhan Theerapanyakul? No. Porchay won't marry a Theerapanyakul. Never. He won't let his dynasty be poisoned by a Theerapanyakul. He has to protect his dynasty. This would be a treason. Treason to his own blood.

"I won't complete the wedding ceremony because I will never marry you!" Porchay spits these words out a complete repulsion. He doesn't know why Kimhan Theerpanyakul wants to marry him, but he knows that there isn't one reason that would make Porchay agree with it.

Kimhan looks wordlessly at General Big and waits.

"Your Majesty," General Big bows and leaves the chamber.

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