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The screams outside of their carriage are loud and angry

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The screams outside of their carriage are loud and angry... and uncoordinated. It's like...

"That doesn't sound like another bunch of your brother's soldiers," Kimhan points out, slowly letting Porchay move down from his lap.

"It doesn't sound like soldiers at all," Porchay whispers.

They look at each other just the moment the door of the carriage opens, and an arrow penetrates Kimhan's chest, sending him limp into his seat.

Porchay's chest burns with sudden penetrating pain. He can barely whisper his husband's name. Frantically shaking his head and he presses his hands to Kimhan's chest. His eyes looking at the arrow and then at Kimhan's face. His eyes are closed. He isn't moving at all. It's all happening so fast. It scares Porchay to death. He wants to kiss his husband and heal the wound. He...

"Marrying the enemy. The people of this kingdom worshipped you since you were born. You were our heavenly flower... We fight for this kingdom. We starve for this kingdom. We bury our family and friends for this kingdom, and what do we get for it back? Our mighty royal family gets all entangled with the people who cost us so much blood and agony! Now you want peace? Now you want us to give up so that you can feel like you saved us all by sacrificing yourself to His Majesty Kimhan Theerapanyakul? Did you really sacrifice yourself? You and your brother make me sick!"

Porchay's blood boils. He presses a soft kiss to Kimhan's forehead and turns around, stepping out of the carriage.

Everyone is dead. All the guards who went with them are butchered everywhere around, and there right in front of him stands a man Porchay last seen when he was a child. The man used to be Porsche's martial arts teacher, but then he left... because he was dead. At least everyone thought he was.

But he isn't. And there behind him like an army of evil stand commoners of Porchay's kingdom. Holding pitchforks, axes, stakes, and everything else they could use as a weapon, they are glaring at Porchay with resentment. They used to love him. They used to love his family. But he did betray them. He betrayed them all. It doesn't matter that his mother told him he isn't betraying anyone by loving his husband. Porchay was right all along—he was betraying his kingdom. His people. And they are angry.

But they don't get to take away what's his. His husband—hurt and almost lifeless... Porchay sees red.

"The well-being of the people in this kingdom was what I always cared about the most. I put myself first once, and you all want to take it away from me now?" Porchay's voice is like cherry blossom petals falling in the wind evenly all around them. "You really think that all of this isn't beneficial to you as well?! We all want this war to end! The violence to end. Not bring even more violence around! Let me and my husband be. Go home. And I promise you won't be punished by death."

The man in front of Porchay starts laughing. It's an empty and cold laugh, letting Porchay know that things are about to get much worse.

"Oh, no, Your Royal Highness, we won't get punished by death... but you will!"

WINDS OF SNOW ☆ KIMCHAY AUWhere stories live. Discover now