6. Death

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The Golden Hall is the second biggest hall in the Moon Palace

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The Golden Hall is the second biggest hall in the Moon Palace. Everything there shines so brightly that it blinds you for a moment if you are not used to it. It isn't Kimhan's favourite place in the world, not even in the palace. Still, it has a portal that leads straight to the battlefield so that's why Kimhan has decided to talk to his brothers there—while talking, they can just take a stroll around and Kimhan will be able to assess all the damages and the overall state of the battlefield.

When he enters the Golden Hall Tankhun is dancing around the hall seemingly with no care in the world while Kinn is sitting on gold stairs leading up to a gold statue of a five-headed dragon biting off the limbs of his enemy. Kinn looks grim—deep in thoughts. With an expression like this, he almost feels like a part of the statute. Kimhan wonders what got his brother so on edge.

"I hope you didn't get bored waiting," Kimhan says, strolling towards the opened portal on the other side of the hall. The portal is floating a couple of centimetres above the floor, its round shape is swirling like ocean water in dark blue welcoming anyone who needs it in. "Mind you if we take a walk out there?"

"I just came from there," Kinn groans, but stands up and follows Kimhan towards the portal.

Tankhun takes his sweet time waltzing through the hall before he finally follows them through the portal out on the battlefield. The wind is stronger here, buzzing around their ears and through their hair relentlessly. The sun is still shining, but Kimhan wishes it wouldn't—the decaying odour of the dead soldiers is even more enhanced the more the sun is shining on them. Kimhan scrunches his nose and lets a light layer of snow cover the field in front of them.

He looks around and when he sees one of the soldiers running towards them he orders, "make sure all the fallen men are buried properly by tomorrow! They deserve some respect instead of... this!"

The soldier nods, "of course, Your Majesty. We were about to start with it now."

"Good," Kimhan gives an approving nod.

"Would His Majesty need anything else now?" the soldier asks.

"No. You can go," Kimhan dismisses the soldier and starts walking west. His brothers following right after him.

"You don't have anything to tell me?" Kimhan gives Kinn a questioning look.

"There's not much to report on," Kinn replies. "The Kittisawats withdrew their army the moment they found out there was something wrong with the Heavenly Flower. You know that—you were here. I'm sure that by now, they know that you have him and they are planning to take him back."

"However, they might not know that you have married him," Tankhun adds, walking by Kimhan's left side.

"Was the marriage truly necessary, Kimhan?" Kinn keeps frowning and now Kimhan might know why.

"You know that all I want is to win the war and join the two kingdoms together once and for all."

"And marrying the Kittisawat's Heavenly Flower was the best way to do it?" Kinn cocks his eyebrow.

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