22. Little Flower... Wild Flower

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The melody of a piano is accompanied by the chirping of birds and chatter of maids tiptoeing back and forth, doing the last-minute preparations for the royal ball

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The melody of a piano is accompanied by the chirping of birds and chatter of maids tiptoeing back and forth, doing the last-minute preparations for the royal ball. The sweet smell of freshly baked cakes decorated with the most fragrant flowers is spreading all around the ballroom. Flowery garlands are hanging from the ceiling and heavy mahogany tables outlining the inside of the ballroom. There's a wine fountain in the middle of the ballroom. Lotus flowers are floating on the wine surface, turning their colour into maroon. Candles in the shape of tulips and roses are illuminating everything around them, and Porchay is standing in the middle, frowning at his brother sitting across the ballroom on his throne, looking in pain and... maybe a bit of longing at everything that is happening around him.

Porchay doesn't understand. In fact, it feels like since he was taken to Theerapanyakul's kingdom, he doesn't understand his brother at all. It makes no sense. They were always so close. Inseparable. Porchay was there for Porsche when this whole king thing seemed too much on Porsche, and Porsche was there for Porchay when this whole heavenly flower thing seemed to be too much on Porchay. They simply always understood each other no matter what... but not anymore.

"Something's wrong with him," Porchay says, sensing his mother approaching him.

"What would be wrong—"

"Mother," Porchay turns to Queen Mother, interrupting her words. It surprises both of them. That's not something he should have done. That's not something he's ever done. But he needs answers. He is tired of being confused. Tired of feeling like he is the only one kept in darkness.

Porchay sighs and shakes his head, "I'm sorry... I shouldn't have interrupted you, but... just tell me what's wrong with him?! Mother, please..."

Queen Mother presses her lips into a thin line and looks at her older son, "I think he is reminiscing the past... his last ball was so long ago."

"That's not what this is about, mother. We both know it," Porchay places his hand on his mother's arm, asking for her attention again.

Queen Mother smiles sadly, but there's a flicker of hope in her eyes, "if everything goes well tonight... you might find out everything."

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The night has fallen at the kingdom. Soothing music is spreading through the night, reaching the streets and tiny corridors behind the palace walls. Porsche peeks out of the palace gate just the moment Kinn walks out of the shadows.

"Ball season is here, huh?"

Porsche runs towards his best friend with open arms and hugs him tightly, "shall we dance, then?"

"Here?" Kinn chuckles.

Porsche tilts his head and smiles, "and why not?" He leans closer to Kinn and whispers, "here no one can see us."

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