7. This Pain We Share

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"Going somewhere, little flower?"

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"Going somewhere, little flower?"

All hope in Porchay that he could leave without being caught by his one and only husband, shatters like the finest piece of china. With disgust, his eyes slide from the frozen gate to Kimhan. He may not have had enough energy to fight for himself right after the wedding, but he has that energy now. If Kimhan thinks that living with Kittisawat's Heavenly Flower will be easy then he is not only evil but also incredibly stupid.

With a determined expression and no fear in his eyes, Porchay says, "I'm going home."

"This is your home now," Kimhan cocks his head, arms folded on his chest.

"You wish that I would feel at home here, but I never will," Porchay scoffs. "Now, unfreeze that damn gate!"

Kimhan laughs, actually laughs... oh, how much Porchay hates him!

"We have been married for less than a day and my personality is already rubbing off on you? Who would have guessed that Heavenly Flower could be so impolite"

"My impoliteness is nothing compared to everything that you have done to me. Now, unfreeze it!"

"Unfreeze it yourself," Kimhan smirks, "we are sharing powers now, remember?"

Fine! Porchay thinks as he focuses back on the gate. He will have to one day find out how to use Kimhan's power so why not start right now? It can't be that hard. When it comes to his own power all Porchay has to do is feel it in his veins, let it take over his body and mind. If he is going to wish for the ice to melt away from that gate more than for anything else in the world it should happen, right?

When Porchay finally stops spiralling in his thoughts and looks at the gate again, to his pleasant surprise he sees that the ice is really gone. The gate is open. He did it. But it can't be that easy—Kimhan won't let him just go, will he?

Porchay turns to his husband, one eyebrow cocked in question... see?

Kimhan doesn't say anything, only his smirk gets even bigger and more unsettling for Porchay, and when Porchay turns back to the gate, he knows why—the gate is frozen over again.

"I unfrozed it," Porchay protests.

"Yes, you did, but I've never said that I won't freeze it again. This is now your home, Porchay, so this is where you'll be staying. Get used to it. And," Kimhan's eyes fall down from Porchay's face to the majestic horse under him, "once you are done getting to know my friend, please take him back to the stables—he needs to rest, I'm going to need him tomorrow."

"No," Porchay shakes his head. "I can just unfreeze it again. You can't stop me!" And just as he says it, the ice melts away from the gate as if it was never there.

But a second later, it gets frozen over again. Kimhan's eyes are penetrating Porchay's skull, "I can do this all day, Porchay."

Porchay jumps down from Death and takes a step closer to Kimhan, "and I can do it all night."

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