20. Regrets of the Times Long Gone

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"What took you so long?"

"Father has a bad day. I'm sorry."

"That's alright, but now, when you are here, I want to show you something. Come!" Porsche grabs Kinn's wrists and pulls him down the hill, through the high meadow, and across a shimmering stream until they stop in the valley in front of a small lake with pristine clean water and a pair of fish happily swimming around each other.

"I found the lake last week when you left. I brought two fish in here. look," Porsche squats next to the lake and points at one of the fish, "the black one is you, of course, and the red one is me."

"Why am I the black one, hmm?" Kinn smiles and sits down next to the lake, pulling Porsche closer.

"Have you seen yourself? Always clothed head to toe in black. If you weren't my best friend, I would be scared of you," Porsche teases, tapping the shoulders of the black robe Kinn has on.

"It would kill me if you were to one day become scared of me," Kinn whispers, his hand sliding down Porsche's arm until their fingers meet and Porsche smiles, "I shall never become scared of you."


Porsche runs. He runs so much that his lungs are burning and his legs are about to give out. The war. Theerpanayakuls have attacked them. They truly did it. Kinn's father did it. Kinn... Kinn... his Kinn...

"I wasn't sure if you would come."

Porsche stops running. He hasn't even realised that he is already here. At their spot. Or what used to be their spot until today.

Kinn stands up, throwing one last glance at the fish blissfully unaware of everything, swimming in the lake.

"How could you?!" Porsche cries out. "How could you let this happen? How could you let your kingdom, your family do this to my kingdom, to my family, to me... to us? How could you, Anakinn?"

"Don't. Don't do this, Porsche!" Kinn starts shaking his head. "Don't think this is all my fault. I am but sixteen years of age, man. A son of a king, that's true, but not even a crown prince! In the eyes of my father, I'm nothing. Barely even his own son. You think I didn't do it—that I didn't beg father on my knees to stop this madness? Do you think that I wouldn't sell my soul to the devil to protect you from any harm in the world if only that was possible? You are the best part of me. The forbidden one. The one which keeps me alive. My heart beats the way it does because of you. Never, Porsche, never doubt my feelings for you."

"Does that mean if I asked you now to take my hand and go home with me, will you? Will you stand by my side even if it means going against your own family?" Porsche asks through the tears, staining his youthful face. But he knows, the moment those words leave his lips, he knows...

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