23. Dance With Me

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Queen Mother looks up at the moon

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Queen Mother looks up at the moon. He should be here any moment if her letter got to him in time. Anakinn Theerapanyakul. Queen Mother has never doubted that his son knew what he was doing even when he was still a young boy. But his friendship with Anakinn Theerapanyakul was always something she never fully understood. Porsche didn't even know that she knew. And he still doesn't know. And she wonders if her son will be as excited to see Anakinn as he used to be years ago.

Things have changed. So much has changed. And Queen Mother has been silent for too long. Her son needs to remember how it really feels to be carefree and... happy. She has never seen him truly happy since the war began; since the friendship turned from fire to ashes.

But maybe Phoenix can be born again.

"Queen Mother," Kinn steps out of the shadows.

"Kinn... I'm glad you came."

"It's for Porsche. Where is he?" Kinn asks, peaking inside the ballroom.

"Wait!" Queen Mother says, stopping Kinn from entering. "He doesn't know I've invited you. He doesn't know I know about you and him."

"You... know?"

"My sons can hide in front of everyone, but not in front of me," the Queen Mother says, her eyes glistening with the memories of the past. "Kinn... I can't continue watching my son torturing himself like that... turning into an empty shell of what he once used to be. I know that we are at war, and I also know that Kimhan and Porchay want it to end... but Porsche, he is too maimed on the inside to accept that this war cannot be won, that settling for an agreement is not a loss... it's the best thing for both of our kingdoms. I want him to see that, Kinn. And I hope that maybe you could bring that happy boy back. That boy who would understand."

Kinn sighs, shaking his head, "pardon my words, Queen Mother, but I don't think you understand. Since the war started, Porsche and I have met a couple of times on the battlefield, and I have tried to talk to him. I tried to tell him how sorry I am and that I..." Kinn looks right at the Queen Mother, "that I love him, but he doesn't want to hear it. I... I hurt him too much."

"Did you hurt him more than you love him, Anakinn?" Queen Mother asks with a faint smile.

"I..." Kinn shakes his head, "no... I don't. I don't think there is anything as strong as my love for your son. But his love for me... might be in the past."

"Anakinn, please, don't give up on him. If you love him, this much—don't give up."

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Queen Mother walks back into the ballroom and walks up to Porsche sitting on his throne. She puts one of her hands on Porsche's shoulder, and with the other, she gives the sign to the musicians to quiet down.

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