10. Enemy Within

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Porchay doesn't waste a second before he wraps his arms around his brother and hugs him tightly. Hugs him as if it was years since they last time saw each other. Hugs him as if it's going to be even longer until they'll see each other again.

His brother is here? His brother came for him? Came to see him? But how? What if someone would hurt him on the way here? And how did he get here alone? Risking so much...

But why he doesn't feel his brother hugging him back? Why does his brother feel so stoic, so cold?

"Hia... how did you get here? I missed you—"

"So, now you are saving the lives of our enemies?" Porsche finally speaks. His voice cold, mocking, even disappointed.

"H-hia, I..." Porchay pulls away from Porsche. "Hia, I don't. The nanny, she..." Wait, Porchay's chest feels like someone is holding it tight, squeezing it and pressing on it. He shakes his head, trying to shake those thoughts away, but it all makes sense. The nanny got attacked in the safety of the Moon Palace on the same night as Porsche suddenly showed up in Porchay's chamber when it should have been almost impossible to get in without someone noticing him. And now, he even mentioned it. He said that Porchay was saving the lives of the enemy. Which means he knows what happened to the nanny. And if he knows...

"You attacked her," Porchay breathes out, watching his brother who doesn't look bothered at all, who doesn't look like he cares at all that he had attacked a defenceless, elderly woman who is nothing but kind and caring to Porchay. His hia attacked a woman... a woman that did nothing to attack him...

"Why? Why did you do that?"

Porsche looks around the chamber for a moment before he looks back at Porchay, "she is the enemy. She is one of the people who are holding you here captive! I needed a distraction to get in your chamber. She was at the right place at the right time."

"At the right place at the right time?" Porchay can't believe what he is hearing. His hia wasn't like this. When did he change so much? Did the war consume all his humanity? Did the war make Porsche think that everything is allowed? That as long as it's on the enemy side no human life matters? No, that can't be.

"Not everyone around here wants to harm me, hia. The nanny was always so nice to me. She helped me to feel at least a little bit welcomed here... and you almost killed her. And you don't even look like you regret it."

"Because I don't!" Porsche raises his voice. "We are at war with these people, Porchay! People die. Casualty happens. What does it matter if she is good if she is meddling with those people?!"

"Then..." Porchay takes a deep breath, "what does it matter that I'm your brother if I'm married to your enemy?"

Porsche makes a step back, taken aback. He looks like he didn't know that this was a reason why Porchay is here. He had no idea.

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