25. Pain & Power

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Kimhan spits out blood, grinning at the man, "why did you put down the axe, hmm? I thought you wanted to cut my head off, didn't you?"

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Kimhan spits out blood, grinning at the man, "why did you put down the axe, hmm? I thought you wanted to cut my head off, didn't you?"

"You know, everyone knows that you are an egoistic bastard, but seeing you dancing with the Heavenly Flower, I thought that you wouldn't want to die, at least for him. Or what? Did I read our mighty Majesty Kimhan wrong? You don't really love our Heavenly Flower?"

Kimhan's eyes go dark. He pulls on the chains that are holding him restrained against a wooden wall of a small abandoned castle somewhere—Kimhan doesn't even know where—so hard that the sound of them hitting the wood rings loudly everywhere around them, "don't ever mention my husband! Don't ever dare to question my devotion to him!"

The man smirks, "there it goes! Emotions. Lovely, isn't it?" He opens his arms and turns around, looking at people who are just minding their own business around the castle, barely paying attention to them as if their part in all of this ended the moment they separated Kimhan from his little flower.

Some people nod and go back to their work.

"Well, looks like they could care less about what you are trying to do here now. So, how about you let me go, and I'll promise to make your death hurt just a little, hmm?" Kimhan proposes, knowing damn well that it's to no avail.

The man scoffs, pressing the tip of a sword under Kimhan's neck, "oh, they do care, trust me. They care so much. Anyway," the man takes the sword away, looking right at Kimhan, "I was talking about our Heavenly Flower, wasn't I?"

"I fucking told you—"

"Yes, yes," the man rolls his eyes, "not to talk about him, but how can I not? He is the Heavenly Flower of this kingdom. He isn't your Heavenly Flower. He is our Heavenly Flower. I can talk about him as much as I want to. And..." the man laughs, "I know him way longer than you do. He was always a very curious boy. He used to sit and watch with those doe eyes of his as I was teaching his brother—His Majesty Porsche—martial arts. Sweet boy, that Heavenly Flower, but I'm sure you already know that, don't you?"

Kimhan closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. He knows what is this man trying to do. He is trying to provoke Kimhan... to do what exactly, that Kimhan doesn't know, but whatever the reason is, it's working. Kimhan just can't stand this man talking about his Porchay. Not when he needs Porchay desperately. Kimhan's body feels like the only reason it still holds together it's because it is covered with his skin, but if someone rips him open he'll bleed out, his bones his guts... all of it crushed and dead.

Kimhan knows that he has to find a way to get back to Porchay soon. They don't have much time left. The pain is getting so harsh that is numbing him. And that isn't good. That means his body is preparing for the final stage... for slowly giving up, embracing death. He can't let that happen. He can't die. He can't let his little flower die.

He looks right at the man and asks, "what it is you really want?"

"How can you still not know?" the man laughs, but his laugh changes into a growl as he grabs Kimhan's chin harshly, looking him close in the eyes, "I want you to lose. I want your kingdom to admit defeat. I want your kingdom to cease to exist. I want every single person in your kingdom to die. And then, after you'll watch all of that happen... I want you to die, too. But, I'll spare the Heavenly Flower because, after all, he is ours."

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