19. Delicate

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A sense of dread rushes through Porchay's body

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A sense of dread rushes through Porchay's body. What did he just say? How could he say it out loud just like that? It's all so new. So delicate. He hadn't even fully let it settle in his heart yet... How could he let his mouth be faster than his mind?

Fast, as if touching Kimhan suddenly burnt him, he steps away, turning away from his husband, not wanting to see the triumphant expression on Kimhan's face. After all, that's what Kimhan has wanted—for Porchay to stupidly fall in love with him. And so it happened.

"Don't turn away from me. Porchay, please," Kimhan's touch on Porchay's shoulder burns. Porchay shivers as Kimhan's fingers so naturally dance up his neck and curl around his nape, making him face Kimhan again. The look in Kimhan's eyes takes Porchay's breath captive. The triumphant he has thought would be there is not. Instead, those eyes are the darkest shade of longing as if Kimhan has longed for this moment since the dawn of times. As if the only thing he needed to know peace in his heart was to hear Porchay say that he loves him.

But there's also a desperation, a dread of Porchay taking those words back, a fear of forcing himself to believe that it was all in his head that Porchay hasn't said anything at all...

It's surreal, how easy it is for Porchay to read his eyes, but then he remembers that they are bound together forever. They share everything—their power, their pain, even their feelings... the good and the bad ones. And Porchay realises that the closer he lets Kimhan, the more vivid those feelings are.

Kimhan's eyes slide down his neck and then up to his lips and back to his eyes before Kimhan says breathlessly, "can you say it again... if you meant it... can you say it again?"

Can Porchay say it again? He supposes that he can. One thing he is sure of is that he is allowed. But saying it out loud... what if every time he says it out loud, it will become more real? It's painful, but Porchay finally understands that the fear he felt all this time to allow the feelings towards his husband to consume him, wasn't because he was afraid to betray his kingdom, to become a traitor... all that fear wasn't fear at all... it's a confusion that all that resentment and anger he felt for Kimhan Theerapanyakul—his enemy—turned somewhere along the way into love which feels so out of place and yet it made a home out of Chay's heart and Kimhan's arms wrapped around Chay's body.

How did it happen, and how? Maybe Porchay will never truly find out. And maybe it isn't even important. Maybe the only important thing is what he feels right now in this moment with Kimahn looking at him like he hung the moon and all the stars.

"I love you, my husband," Porchay lets those words leave his lips intentionally this time. Those words feel so delicate melting on his tongue, but so powerful when they fill up the small space between Porchay and the man he loves.

"My little flower," Kimhan breathes out his palm gently, cupping Porchay's cheek. "My love... it's all yours. You have to feel it... that I love you too. My god, the way I love you..." Kimhan presses their foreheads together, closing his eyes as if he is trying to calm the icy blizzard in his heart.

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