9. The Dawn of the Night

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"I need your help

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"I need your help."

Porchay is painfully aware of the fact that he is naked in front of Kimhan. He wants to shout and scream at him to leave and never get into his chamber without permission ever again, but something about Kimhan feels different than usual. So, now Kimhan suddenly needs his help? Too bad that Porchay doesn't feel like helping KImhan at all. So he glares at Kimhan as the robe made out of fresh flowers materializes on his body.

Once he is covered, he simply says, "no," and steps out of the bathtub.

"Porchay, please. This isn't about me. It's about the nanny," Kimhan makes a sudden move towards Porchay, reaching for Porchay's hand.

Porchay shakes his head and backs away, "don't come near me! Whatever problem you have with the nanny, you can deal with it yourself. Please, leave me alone. It's the middle of the night—I want to sleep."

Kimhan shakes his head, his lips pressed into a thin line as he is looking at Porchay, his deep dark eyes screaming for help. Porchay has never seen them like that. He has never seen Kimhan like that, and he must admit that even though he shouldn't—he likes it. He likes it when Kimhan suffers. He likes it so much.

"Porchay, please, I can't help her. She is dying!"

The nanny is... dying? Porchay's enjoyment from seeing Kimhan suffer suddenly changes into pity, and worry for the nanny. She never did anything wrong. She is just here to serve Kimhan and take care of Porchay. The only one who was always kind to him.

"What happened?" Porchay asks, but he doesn't want to let out in front of Kimhan that he wants to help the nanny. Not yet. If he is going to help, he is going to ask for something in return. Kimhan will never get anything for free from him. Never.

"I don't know what happened! She's been attacked. She has deep cuts all over her body. She is barely alive. We have to go!" Kimhan replies frustrated, reaching for Porchay again.

This time Porchay lets Kimhan grab his hand, but he still doesn't move, "you want me to go like this?" He looks at his flowery robe covering his still naked and wet body. "You really want everyone to see your husband almost naked? Besides, I didn't say I will help."

Porchay yanks his hand out of Kimhan's hold and walks to this wardrobe, taking his sweet time to choose what to wear outside. He knows that what he is doing is awful for the nanny. If Kimhan is telling the truth that she must be in immense pain right now... she might die any second. And Porchay doesn't want her to die. Out of everyone around, he wants her to die the least. But he has promised to himself that he would make Kimhan suffer. And this works. It works so well. The nanny might be the only person Kimhan really cares about. The pain of being afraid to lose someone so dear to you and not being able to do anything to stop it is unlike any other. And Kimhan, it seems, is experiencing it right now. So why should Porchay make it any easier for him?

Something in Porchay dies when he realises that he doesn't mind letting the nanny suffer for a while if her suffering hurts Kimhan in the process. Porchay was never like that. He never wanted to be like that. But maybe living with wolves will eventually make you become one as well.

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