*Chapter 5: Detention for One, Please

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Songs for this chapter:
Borderline - Tame Impala

Smut ahead. A liiiiiittle more intense than last time.

Elora's alarm went off bright and early Saturday morning. She rolled out of bed, putting on a comfy outfit. What was the point of looking nice so early on a Saturday, just for detention? She pulled on a pair of gray sweatshorts and her brother's old Syltherin sweatshirt. She slipped on her tennis shoes, yawning as she headed down to Snape's office.

The halls were eerily empty, all of the students still sleeping the morning away. She groaned, thinking of how painfully boring the next few hours were going to be. She had so many other things she would rather be doing than cleaning and organizing Snape's office. Once she had arrived, Eora noticed the door already open and walked into the dimly lit room.

"Good morning, Miss Townes." Snape said, immediately sensing her presence. He didn't look up to meet her eyes.

"Good morning, Professor. Where shall I start?" She asked, hoping to get this over with as fast as she possibly could. The professor glanced up, taking in her appearance. A look of disapproval washed over his face, making her slightly self conscious about her outfit choice.

"Feeling lazy today, are we Miss Townes?" he asked with a hint of annoyance. Elora rolled her eyes, not appreciating his rude comment.

"I didn't feel the need to dress up for detention so bloody early" she mumbled, her irritation matching his.

"Do not speak to me in that tone. I do not tolerate attitude." he snapped. He stood up from his desk and walked over to a small closet on the far side of the room. He grabbed a bucket and a brush, shoving them in her arms.

"This floor should be spotless in 1 hour. No magic. Do not disturb me as I will be grading the dreadful essays your classmates have handed in" he said, leaving no room for her to protest.

She sighed heavily and walked over to the sink to fill the bucket with water. She was fuming about the fact that she had to do this alone. She still didn't understand why Draco wasn't punished like this. Technically it was his fault anyway, but she knew better than to argue with Snape. That, and she didn't want to remind him of the reason why he gave her detention in the first place.

Going back to the floor, Elora dropped to her hands and knees and began scrubbing. After a while, she felt exhausted and sweaty, and sat up on her knees to put her hair up and out of her face. She took her sweatshirt off, leaving her in shorts and a white tank top. She felt eyes on her back as she did so, and she slowly turned around to see her professor staring at her intently. Elora smiled as she noticed his expression change ever so slightly. Snape looked away, clearing his throat and returning to the parchments in front of him. She rolled her eyes and continued to work.

After what felt like ages, she brought the bucket full of the dirty soapy water back to the sink. Elora turned on the faucet to rinse out the remaining dirt and soap, but the water pressure surprised her as water shot out, sending a cold splash directly to her. She cursed as her frustration took over. She reached to turn off the sink, knocking over a pile of textbooks as she did so.

"You clumsy girl." Snape said, starling her as he was suddenly behind her. Disapproval was evident in his dark expression. She silently cursed herself again, annoyed that she continued to make him angry with her stupid actions. He reached around her to turn off the spray of water.

"I'm sorry, sir. I didn't realize the sink was going to splash so much and then I accidentally knocked over the books in my attempt to turn it off." Elora explained, suddenly out of breath. Her white shirt was becoming more see through the longer she stood there, water dripping from her. She glanced down, desperate to put her sweatshirt back on as the cool water was chilling on her body. His eyes followed hers, noticing the state of the shirt.

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