*Chapter 63: Secret Keeper

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Songs for this chapter:
Knee Socks - Arctic Monkeys

Slight smut ahead.

Flashback 5: Severus's POV

I wanted to kill her when I found out she had gone into battle. I wanted to obliterate Draco and Theodore from this earth for letting her go. She was disobeying direct orders, something that would get her into more trouble than it was worth.

As soon as I heard whispers of what had happened on the field, I stormed through the manor, the click of my shoes ringing throughout the halls as my robes billowed menacingly behind me. My temper turned violent when I saw Lucius standing over her in the potions room. Their proximity caused swirling thoughts to race through my head. But then I noticed the blood.

So much fucking blood.

Broken glass was strewn about, damp clothes stained crimson littered the floor and counter. Something bad had happened.

Lucius's pitiful explanation did nothing to calm my nerves. I wanted to lash out, scream at both of them.

"Severus, we have to tell her," Lucius said. I knew exactly what he was insinuating. I needed to show her my true alliance, needed to tell her all of the things I was truly working towards.

I couldn't. Not yet. I wanted more time with her before I told her the truth. I was afraid of losing her.

Turns out, I didn't have to tell her anything. Draco took the fall for me. She followed us to Essex Road Station. I was thankful she didn't recognize me, but Draco didn't have the pleasure of sharing the same fate. She knew instantly.

Back at the manor, Draco was panicking. I didn't believe him at first, thinking his worries were foolish. We were so careful. But the look in his eyes told me everything I needed to know. Elora knew. She knew and she was going to attack him with a vengeance.

I met with Lucius to discuss what we were going to do next. Draco stayed in the hall, pacing to try to ease his anxiety. When we finally agreed on how to handle the situation, we were shocked to find the hall deserted, a lone scrap of parchment the only evidence that Draco was ever there. I picked it up, reading the loopy handwriting. I knew immediately that it was from Elora. And of course, Draco had fallen for it. I made my way to the cellar, worried about how long she had him trapped down there. I halted Lucius at the top of the stairs.

"Let me handle her. I have an idea," I said.

Elora heard my footsteps before she saw me. Her body language told me everything I needed to know- she didn't want me to know she had Draco.

My initial plan was to tell her we had captured a resistance sympathizer or that Voldemort had requested her to help me in the potions room.

But my gods, the way she was bent over the chair... The sight of her made me switch my course.

"What a fucking sight to see," I breathed. It was hardly a lie. The rumble of my voice made her body react quicker than expected. She pushed her hips back, exposing the swell of her backside under her tiny little skirt.

My body went on autopilot as I sank to my knees behind her. I hoped this would be a welcome distraction, easing her mind from the anguish of the dark magic flowing through her blood. A release might have been just what she needed to show Draco some mercy.

"Need to taste you," I told her.

She was beautiful. I knew she was primed and ready for me, letting her body cave into my words. I ripped her nylons, taking in the sight of her dripping core in the lowlight of the cellar.

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