*Chapter 26: Abandoned Morals

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Songs for this chapter:
rEar vIeW - ZAYN

Smut ahead!

Elora burst through the gates of Malfoy Manor. She was sprinting, panting, and doing anything she could to escape the reality she found herself in.

Bring Aurelia to Voldemort.

That's what he had ordered her to do. Bring the thing most precious to herself and Blaise into the Dark Lord's grasp. Fail, and they were all dead.

Her lungs burned as she ran. The thought of using the killing curse on herself entered her mind. She wasn't sure if it was even possible, but she felt herself be tempted to try. Even if Elora had managed to die, it was inevitable that someone else would be ordered to carry out her task. Betray her best friend. Order to do it. Forced. No options, no way out.

She let her legs take her as far away as possible before collapsing from exhaustion. She laid in the gravel road, sweaty, panting, and tired. No one had heard Voldemort's commands as he whispered in her ear, but there was no escape from him. No one could help her. No one would dare to defy him. Elora rose to her feet, the feeling of the gravel on her skin becoming too painful to bear. She closed her eyes and apparated away.

She landed in Severus's quarters, feet away from the bed she had occupied days prior. Slowly, she crept her way out of the room and into the main living area. She cursed herself for the habit of going to him, but couldn't deny the sense of safety he had brought to her recently.

Elora's hand had just landed on the knob of the door to exit when a noise made her jump. She turned as Severus appeared in his quarters. He looked at her, concern washing over his face. At the sight of him, tears slipped from her eyes.

Severus raced over to her, immediately taking her into his arms. He tried his best to calm her, but yet again she was inconsolable. She clung to him, needing any sense of solace. She wanted to feel something, anything besides the impending darkness that had taken over her life. Without thinking, Elora moved her head from his chest, looking up to him. Within a second, her lips found his as she kissed him.

His hands found her hips and he kissed her back for a few moments. He pulled back suddenly, cautioning her, "Elora, we can't." They hadn't shared any form of intimacy since her occlumency lesson had taken a turn. He couldn't have her. She wasn't his to claim anymore. The possibility of Lucius or Voldemort finding out was too great of a risk. She belonged to them and he was instructed not to interfere. Any indication that she had gone against them, and Voldemort would make her life hell.

"I need this. I need something, anything to distract me. Please," she begged. Tears stained Elora's cheeks as she looked at him, her eyes desperately searching his. Her grip on his robes tightened as she pulled him closer. Severus knew the dangers. He knew he shouldn't give in to her. Something about the way she was looking at him, the desperation and neediness she was exuding was making her irresistible. He couldn't deny her.

Their lips were centimeters apart. "Please...make me feel good," her voice was barely a whisper as her lips brushed his. Her words shot through him, instantly clouding any morals he had previously held. His lips crashed into hers. The kiss was desperate and hungry. Severus let his hands tangle into her hair, pulling slightly. She moaned in response and he slipped his tongue into her mouth as they fought for dominance. He felt her melting into him, becoming submissive within seconds.

Elora's hands instinctively moved to his shirt, each button popping open at an agonizingly slow pace. He slowly guided her back to the large dining table as she continued to work at the buttons, not daring to break their lips apart. As soon as her back hit the table, Severus grabbed at her hips, gently lifting her to sit on the surface. His hands roamed over her as his lips moved to her neck. She was panting, the effect of his touch strong on her body.

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