Chapter 10: Blaise-d

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Songs for this chapter:
Devil's Advocate - The Neighbourhood

A little NSFW in this chapter. Also some substance use.

Later that night, Elora was studying in the Slytherin common room with Aurelia. She figured they might as well use the newfound freeness of the weekend to catch up on their assignments. They seemed to be piling up faster than they could keep track of. Elora was deep in concentration, trying to figure out the formula for a potion Snape had assigned to the class, when Blaise's voice roared into her thoughts.

"Happy Saturday, my beautiful ladies!" he announced. Aurelia looked at him with a smile while Elora huffed in frustration at his distraction. "I have 3 blunts with our names on them" he said in a singsong tone, trying to entice them. Elora rolled her eyes.

"No thanks, Blaise. We have work to do" she replied, causing his face to fall in a dramatic pout. Aurelia giggled at his childishness.

"Pleeeeease Lor? Your work will wait for you, but this opportunity may never come to you again" he whined. She had to bite her lip to keep from laughing at how theatrical he was acting.

Aurelia spoke up, surprising everyone. "I'm in" she said. Elora looked up to meet her eyes. Her friend was never one to bend the rules more than an inch, much less completely break them. Aurelia bit her lip as she looked up at Blaise.

"Fine" Elora sighed and put her books away. Blaise silently celebrated his victory over her. The girls followed him to the astronomy tower.

Elora sat next to Aurelia with Blaise on her opposite side, sandwiching her in. Elora let her feet dangle off the edge as she rested her head on the rails, the cool metal making her shiver. Blaise passed her one of the blunts, the drugs expertly rolled inside. He leaned over with the lighter in hand, holding the flame over the end of the blunt. The smoke instantly filled her lungs. Elora held her breath, letting the substance take hold before she exhaled, letting the thick smoke fill the night air. Blaise leaned to Aurelia, doing the same. She looked nervous, never having done this before. Elora coached her on what to do while Blaise kept his hand on her thigh for reassurance.

"You have to inhale deeply and hold it for a few seconds, then exhale. You'll probably cough, but it'll be okay" she explained. Aurelia nodded, leaning forward to let the flame catch. She inhaled, letting the smoke fill her lungs. She exhaled, coughing. Elora handed her some water to ease her throat. Blaise then lit his own blunt, taking a drag with ease. The three friends sat there in silence for a while, inhaling more smoke every few minutes. Having the two alone, Elora decided to inquire about their newfound relationship.

"It just sorta happened" Aurelia said after explaining the whole story, looking at Blaise. He smiled at her, his infatuation clearly showing.

"Must be nice to have someone love you and not just want to fuck you" Elora said, the drugs clouding her judgment. She didn't mean to sound so jealous, but her high was making it hard to hide the things she had been feeling recently.

"What do you mean?" Blaise asked, confused by her tone. Aurelia looked at her with pity, knowing that she was talking about Draco. Elora brushed it off, not wanting to take the focus away from their happiness. She let the silence hang in the air. Eventually, Aurelia was struggling to stay awake as her high was taking full effect. Blaise offered to take her back to the dormitory, leaving Elora alone on the edge of the astronomy tower.

With her feet still dangling over the edge, she leaned back and rested on her elbows. She took a long drag as she tilted her head back and closed her eyes. She wanted the high to deepen so she could forget the direction her life had taken. Draco fucking Malfoy... and then almost fucking Lucius Malfoy she thought, chuckling at the poor decisions she had made. She exhaled slowly, releasing a stream of smoke above her.

When Elora opened her eyes, she saw a figure standing above her. She kept her position as she recognized the dark robes and raven hair, not caring about the consequences of breaking the rules. She leaned forward with the blunt still blazing in her hand, not wanting to engage in whatever lecture she was about to get from Snape.

"I don't even want to hear it, Professor" she said dryly. She felt completely void of emotion, the drugs and lows from the weekend taking over her system. "I'm finishing this blunt. Then you can reprimand me. Take points, give me detention, I don't care" she said.

To her surprise, Snape sat next to her and didn't say a word. He looked at her intently while she took another drag, watching as she blew more smoke into the air. He gently took the blunt from her. Elora watched him with lazy eyes as he inhaled the drugs.

"I was going to give you more detention, Miss Townes, but your recent disregard for rules and lack of care for punishment is very uncharacteristic of you" he said, handing the blunt back to her after taking another drag. Elora met his eyes as her emotions threatened to bubble to the surface. "Lately it seems you've always been...up to something" he drawled.

"I am an adult, Professor. I don't need you to babysit me" she said. She took one last hit before throwing the nearly burned up blunt over the edge of the tower.

"You've been behaving destructively. First Draco, and then his father?" he questioned. "It's almost as if you have a death wish" he finished. Elora sat silently as she thought about the choices she had been making.

"Draco was just a fling. He's all over Pansy now. Lucius, on the other hand, was different. He came to my room after finding a polaroid of me in Draco's stuff. I was so angry with Draco that I just let him take control" she confessed. "I just wanted to feel good" she sighed.

"Did you?" he asked, taking her by surprise. She looked at him, confused as to what he meant. "Did he make you feel good?" he said.

Elora thought about it. He didn't let her finish, only edging her. But it still felt different than anyone else she had been with. Snape shifted as he moved closer to her. He rested his hand on her thigh.

"Tell me how it felt when he touched you" he whispered, moving his lips closer to Elora's ear. His hand slowly moved up her thigh. She let her eyes close, heat radiated through his hand and into her body, her high making her senses heightened.

"It felt good" she whispered back with her eyes still closed. Her head fell back slightly as he moved on to her inner thigh. With her neck exposed, Snape moved his lips to her, kissing her neck slowly. Elora moaned in response.

"I can make you feel better, darling" he said as he continued his assault on her neck. What the fuck is happening... Elora thought to herself.

He pulled away before she could register. Standing up, he held out his hand to help her off of the ledge. She took it as he pulled her up. He gave her hand a light squeeze before letting go and walking away.

"Detention tomorrow morning. Good night, Miss Townes" he said before disappearing down the stairs.

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