Chapter 30: The Upper Hand

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Songs for this chapter:
Thin White Lies - 5 Seconds of Summer

Slipping through the large doors, Elora returned to the party. The combination of the chilly air and Severus's actions had left her cheeks flushed. She silently prayed it wasn't obvious as she moved her way about the ballroom. Finding Lucius, Elora stayed by his side for the rest of the evening. He held her as if she were a part of him. His grip on her hip remained tight, as if to make his message clear to everyone. Elora heard him in her head as they moved about the room.

You belong to me.
You are mine.
Everyone must know.

The clock struck midnight, the sudden burst of energy filling the ballroom. Another year gone, a new one beginning. Feeling nostalgic as always, Elora could help but think back to the past year. The war, restarting her final year, the trap she had fallen into. If someone had told her old self where she would be in this moment, she would have laughed in their face. Yet here she was, celebrating at the Malfoy Manor with a dark mark on her arm and Lucius's hands on her waist.


In the early hours of the morning, the crowd began to disperse as couples and Death Eaters departed. Playing a most gracious host, Lucius saw them all off. Elora remained by his side, afraid of how it would look if she wasn't.

He leaned down to her. His lips brushed the shell of her ear as he whispered to her, "Go upstairs. Be ready for me in 10 minutes"

Elora nodded obediently. She was exhausted but couldn't help the way her stomach fluttered at his command. It was hardly often that she wasn't ready for him. His control over her was far beyond that of his initial carved into her arm.  Her obedience never stemmed from a place of entrapment. She had initiated their first interaction. She had always wanted to please him, wanted to be good for him. She craved his praise and the things he could do to her. In a way, Elora felt that she had also won a few rounds of their never-ending game.

She made her way up the stairs to the room that had become hers, navigating the dark halls of the manor with ease. Slipping through her door, she noticed a shadowy figure sitting on her bed. Elora gasped, startled by the intruder.

"Draco?" She asked, unsure of who else could possibly be in her room. He stood, coming into the light cast through the windows by the full moon. He sauntered towards her slowly.

"Elora..." he began, "Elora dumb, irresponsible, foolish girl." The slur of intoxication was heavy on his voice. She inhaled sharply. She wanted to yell at him, scream and chastise him for his comment. She wasn't foolish, rather he was being unfair. He had helped to trap her in the talons of Voldemort. He betrayed her and left her to the ruthlessness of the Dark Lord. But Draco had the upper hand. He had seen her and Severus outside. She had to play his game, otherwise she was sure he would make their rendezvous known to those who had her fate in their hands.

"Listen Draco, I'm not sure what you think you saw, but I can assure you that nothing happened" she tried to explain. He was still inching closer to her, his steps dragging on the hardwood floor. His pace was slow, almost as if she was prey that he was stalking.

It's just Draco, Elora reminded herself. Just Draco.

But it wasn't just Draco. Not anymore. They both knew that. She was branded to his father, and he shared the same surname. He had power over her, and it would be foolish of her to deny it. She was low on the food chain and it seemed lately that everyone was starving.

He was closer to her now. Her back was pressed against the wall. She saw the lack of vibrancy in his eyes. Never before had she been afraid of Draco. Now, it was all she was feeling. He was dark, his soul forever damaged by the dark magic that penetrated his mind. Elora was certain it didn't combine well with his level of intoxication, especially not when he had been tormented with the relationship between Elora and his father. Catching her with Severus had simply given him an excuse for revenge. She disobeyed orders, disobeyed Voldemort. He wanted her to pay for her actions, and now he had the perfect opportunity to make her suffer.

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