Chapter 31: Shattered

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Songs for this chapter:
lovely - Billie Eilish & Khalid

TW: This chapter briefly mentions substance abuse

Elora's consciousness stirred at the sound of voices. Aurelia and Pansy were seated on her bed with concerned expressions.

"Draco, I don't understand. No one is able to apparate within the castle. Why would you even let her try?" Elora recognized her friend's voice immediately and knew she was in her dormitory at Hogwarts. How she had gotten there remained a mystery. She kept her eyes closed as she eavesdropped on the conversation.

"I couldn't really stop her! In case you haven't noticed, she hasn't been entirely present as of late. She's always sneaking off and keeping to herself. Who knows what she's been lurking around doing?" Draco replied. Elora tried not to scoff at his words. Pansy noticed her movement as she held back her annoyance.

"Elora? Are you awake?" she asked softly. Elora let her eyes open slightly, pretending as though she had just woken up from a very long nap. She was tucked under the covers with a warm cloth against her forehead.

"What happened?" Elora asked innocently. She looked to Draco. He wouldn't meet her gaze and she knew something was up. There was no way she'd apparated into the castle. It was nearly impossible to do when she wasn't affected by fresh dark magic. The idea of being able to do so after suffering at the hands of the Cruciatus curse was laughable at best.

"We don't know, Lor. We got here and found you like this. When you wouldn't wake up, we panicked. Thankfully Draco was able to get you from the floor to your bed" Aurelia explained. A twinge of fear and uneasiness shot through Elora's body. Draco wouldn't help her, he had made that clear when she found him in her room at the manor. A sharp pain cutting through her head made her thoughts cease. She grabbed her forehead and winced.

"Don't worry, Snape is on his way" Pansy reassured her. Elora's eyes widened.

No. No, no, no, no, no she panicked. He couldn't help her. She had to steer clear of her professor at all costs. Her life depended on it. Draco already knew what had happened between the two, and judging by Voldemort's parting gift of torture, he had been made aware as well.

"Really, I think I'm fine," Elora quickly reassured them. "He doesn't need to bother coming here." She hoped she was convincing enough. There was no telling the things Draco would spread at the mere sight of them together. "I think I just need some time alone to rest," she finished. Her friends nodded, taking the hint and retreating from the dormitory to tell Snape he wasn't needed.

Draco stayed behind. He stood leaning against the wall and stared at her. It was unnerving, the way he was looking at her. Elora had always thought that she knew him. She had always been able to read him like a book. They didn't have secrets or reasons not to trust each other. But everything had changed. She knew things would never go back to the way they were.

"You're a shit liar, Lor" he finally said. Elora rolled her eyes, not feeling up to partake in his mind games. "Such a shame your friends don't know you well enough. But I see right through you" he finished. Elora rose from the bed, stomping closer to where he stood before she could stop herself.

"What do you want from me Draco? What else can you possibly take from me?!" Elora snapped. Anger filled her voice as she shouted at him. He flinched at the volume at which she responded. She couldn't recall ever raising her tone at him, but she was fed up, tired, and her heart was full of hatred.

She hated him.
She hated the way he had made her fall into Voldemort's trap.
She hated the way he sat and watched as her skin was carved into and cursed with dark magic.
She hated the way he had become unpredictable, always taunting her with mind games.

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