*Chapter 9: Game On

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Songs for this chapter:
Dirty Thoughts - Chloe Adams

Teeeeeny bit of NSFW content.

Elora woke with a jolt as Aurelia was shaking her.

"Get up, Elora!" she whispered urgently. The sun was barely up and her head was pounding from last night's indulgences. Elora groaned, throwing a pillow over her head to signal that she did not want to get up.

"Elora, we have to go. Now." she said. She sat up confused. They had just gotten to the manor, why did they need to leave already? They still had another night of activities planned for birthday celebrations.

"What's going on?" Elora asked. She noticed the look of urgency and panic that was spread across her friend's face.

"Draco told us we need to leave. He said a meeting has been called with the death eaters and we are not to be here when they arrive" she said, getting up to start packing up Elora's things for her.

"Death eaters? There's no way" she shook her head. "I thought all of Voldemort's followers had dispersed after he was defeated".

"So did I," Aurelia continued, "but apparently he didn't actually die. I don't know what's going on either, but we need to get out of here now".

Elora's head spun, still hungover and now overcome with anxiety. She jumped out of the bed and helped Aurelia pack her things. She got dressed quickly and left the room to find everyone else. Pansy was already waiting in the foyer. Elora and Aurelia walked towards her and she decided not to acknowledge last night's events. They stood in awkward silence as they waited for the others. Once her friends were all together, they apparated back to Hogwarts, cutting her birthday weekend incredibly short.

Back in the dormitory, Elora decided to unpack and relax for the day. She needed to sleep off her hangover and wanted to forget about the previous night. She was upset at Draco but knew she couldn't show it, reminding herself that they never had any obligations to each other. She wanted to be happy for Pansy. Besides, she didn't have any idea about the moments they had shared. Aurelia was the only one you told.

She slept for a few hours, the light disturbing her slumber as her eyes fluttered open. The pounding headache had finally disappeared. Forcing herself out of bed, she went to take a shower. As she looked in the mirror waiting for the water to heat up, she gasped, her eyes finding the dark bruises covering her neck and collarbones. Shit, there is no way I am going to be able to hide these, she thought. Memories of Lucius entering her room flooded back, making her cheeks redden.

Elora stepped into the shower. The warm water calmed her senses and brought her back down to earth, but Lucius wouldn't leave her mind. As she replayed the impressions he left last night, she couldn't help but bring her hand down to touch herself. As she slowly circled her clit, she pictured Lucius doing the same. Elora moaned out as though she was experiencing him again. Her release came quickly, catching her off guard as the tension he had built up was still present in her body. Leaning against the shower wall, Elora let herself calm down as her breathing returned to its normal pace. She finished her shower and stepped out into the cold air.

She got dressed and headed to the Great Hall to find something to eat. The halls were eerily empty for a weekend, but she remembered that it was the first trip to Hogsmeade. She rounded a corner of the dungeon halls and gasped as she ran into a set of black robes.

"Professor Snape! I'm sorry I-" she began, fearing her current standing with him. He cut her off, clearly angered by her clumsiness.

"Miss Townes, your recent state of distraction is highly irritating," he snapped. He went to continue as his eyes landed on her neck, noticing the hickeys she was covered in. He raised his eyebrows questioningly.

"I had assumed that me finding you with him in the potions closet was enough of a deterrent, but apparently I am mistaken" he drawled, speaking slowly as Elora's eyes averted his gaze. He shook his head in clear disapproval of her new reputation.

Before thinking, she blurted out "It wasn't Draco, Professor". He didn't respond, but she  could tell he wanted more information by the way he continued to look at her. He inched close to her, leaning closer to her face.

"Do enlighten me, Miss Townes. Who else have you given yourself to?" he asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Elora saw his eyes darken as he awaited her answer.

"It was silly, Professor, really. It doesn't matter" she replied, not sure how to bring up Lucius Malfoy. Her mind drifted back to the to the previous night before she could stop it.

"Lucius Malfoy," he said slowly, "I see..." She gulped, realizing that he had penetrated her mind once again. "If I could give you any piece of advice, it would be to stay away from that man. He is incredibly dangerous and will not hesitate to use you. Do not let me see him mark you again" he said, remaining close. She detected a hint of jealousy in his tone, but brushed it off, thinking she was imagining things.

"Have you considered that maybe that's what I want?" Elora snapped. His eyes widened. She went to walk away, not wanting to disclose such private matters to her professor. Before she could move, he grabbed her chin, forcing her to look up at him and stay close.

"He will not satisfy you, sweet girl," he whispered. Elora's heart pounded at his touch. "but if I cannot change your mind, then so be it. Know this, I will not be able to save you from whatever trouble he puts you in." he finished. She nodded, feeling his power over her in this moment.

He let her go and continued his journey down the hall. Frozen, she stood there, watching Snape's robes billow behind him as he moved hastily through the dungeon. The pit in her stomach had moved lower, leaving her hungry for more. Game on, Professor.

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