Chapter 35: Attempted Hero

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Songs for this chapter:
Heathrow - Catfish and the Bottlemen

Elora cried out as she stumbled back from the pensieve. Her mind ached and she reached for her head. It was too much. She had experienced the memories, but they still felt too detached. She felt as though she had watched some twisted play in which she played an evil role. With a flick of Severus's wand, the pensieve moved back to its original place. He stood for a moment as he waited for Elora to meet his gaze.

That wasn't me. That couldn't have been me, she thought. She was shaking her head, the shock and disbelief taking over. She began to pace, needing a way to process everything.

Severus took a hesitant step towards her. She flinched, forgetting he was even in the room with her. So many questions swirled in her mind at the sight of him. She couldn't bring herself to formulate any of them as her mind spun.

"Elora, I need to restore your memories fully," he explained. His tone was cautious. Elora nodded slowly, still trapped in her daze. She sat slowly in the chair closest to her. Severus moved over and kelt on the floor in front of her and let his hand rest upon her jaw before moving under her chin to tilt her head up. Once she met his eyes, a sob threatened to escape her. She choked it back as she trembled.

"Close your eyes. Just relax" he whispered. Elora obliged, letting her eyes flutter shut as she took a deep breath. She felt the tip of his wand move to her temple, pressing lightly into her flesh. His other hand kept her steady as he brushed his thumb softly against her chin.

Within an instant, memories flooded back to her. She felt her mind fighting against Severus's restorative spells. The newness of the memories coming in waves was overwhelming. The agony was worse than that of legilimency. Her mind felt as if was being stabbed by the broken bits and pieces as they shoved their way back into place. She bit her lip, desperately trying not to scream out at the pain. Her fingers gripped the arms of the chair so hard that her knuckles turned white.

Slowly but surely, things began falling into place.

She remembered working under Severus's guidance as he taught her the ways of magical healing. The knowledge of complex potions recipes and counter curses filled her mind. The time they had spent together was rather meaningful. He cared for her, pushed her to be better, kept her safe. The things that had taken place between them since her return to Hogwarts suddenly made sense, the way he was interested in her, his warnings, his teasing. Now, it all felt familiar.

Everything was clear now. Severus's anger towards Draco when he found her with him and watched her come undone under his touch. The manner in which he had teased her during her detentions. His possession of the polaroid. His anger with Lucius for claiming her. The reason she constantly found herself apparating to him in her moments of fear. The way he knew exactly where and how to touch her. He knew her, studied her for months, dare she say he loved her. And Elora had forgotten all about it.

She remembered Draco's confession of loving her and how her heart ached at his words, knowing it was too late. The way they had gone back and forth for years. Their sneaky and drunken rendezvous after long nights. The way he understood her like no one else could. She felt the strain their relationship had taken once she started working with Severus. Draco was in love with her. Having no idea, she had fallen for someone else.

She felt a twinge of anguish at her relationship with her sister. Freya was the perfect child. Sorted into Gryffindor, finding herself in Harry Potter's circle, fighting for good. But Elora had killed her. The rush of adrenaline after she'd casted the killing curse felt all too familiar now. She knew how to do it and was more than capable. She felt the familiarity of her actions the moment she killed Blaise, but only now did she understand why.

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