Chapter 14: Loyalty

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Songs for this chapter:
Tyrant - One Republic

TW: Blood, some violence

Lucius's grip on her wrist was painfully tight, signaling his anger at her. Elora looked at Voldemort with panic in her eyes as he stared at her. She slowly moved her gaze around the table, gasping at how many death eaters she recognized. She looked at Draco and Blaise as they stared at her, their jaws practically on the floor. No one dared to speak. Her eyes continued along the table until they rested on a familiar set. She gasped as her eyes met Professor Snape, his expression not giving anything away.

"What a lovely treat you have brought for us, Lucius" Voldemort spoke, causing her eyes to snap back to the head of the table. Elora didn't dare to speak out of fear for her life. The situation was quickly sobering her up.

"Apologies, my Lord. It seems as though Miss Townes forgot how to behave" Lucius replied, gripping her arm tighter. She looked back at Draco with pleading eyes, desperately wanting to be saved from whatever was about to happen. He refused to meet her gaze.

"Usually she isn't so...disobedient" Lucius continued, his breath hot on her ear. Elora felt like she could pass out at any moment. He grabbed her hair with his other hand, yanking on it roughly. She gasped from the pain, squeezing her eyes shut.

"Bring her to me" Voldemort said. Her knees buckled, not letting her move forward. Lucius obeyed, dragging her to the other side of the table. Panic rushed over Elora as she approached the Dark Lord.

"What is your name, my dear?" he questioned as she stood before him.Lucius tightened his grip on her hair, urging her to answer.

"Elora Townes" she replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Elora Townes..." he repeated slowly. Her breathing was shallow. "Tell me, Lucius," he continued, "does she belong to you?" Elora closed her eyes as fear engulfed her senses. She didn't dare to look at anyone.

"Yes, my Lord" Lucius replied. A loud bang startled Elora's eyes open. She looked down the table to see Draco, his fist on the table as he stood up and walked swiftly out of the room, slamming the door behind him.

Lord Voldemort tutted in disapproval. "Doesn't seem like it, Lucius. It seems your son has certain feelings about your prize here" he said. Lucius didn't reply, unsure of how to explain Draco's outburst. Elora gulped as she realized that this made her look like she had been playing both of them.

"Let's test your loyalty, Miss Townes" Voldemort continued. Lucius pushed her forward, his grip on her hair still painfully tight. She laid on the table, her head turned to the side as her face was pushed into the table, forcing her to look at Lord Voldemort. With his other hand, Lucius forced her arm out to the side, turning it so her palm was facing up. Elora whimpered at the uncomfortable position she was in.

"Don't be scared, pet. This will only hurt a little" Lucius whispered in her ear. She tried to squirm to get out of his grasp, but his strength was overpowering her. She looked at her arm, realizing the mark she was about to receive. Voldemort raised his wand, touching the tip harshly against her forearm. Fire instantly spread over her arm as she screamed in pain.

Elora's eyes squeezed shut in agony. She didn't dare to open them, not wanting to see the dark mark appear on her skin. Lucius kept his grip on her hair as he pressed into her back. She felt him harden in his trousers behind her. He loved the state she was in. Completely useless.

After a few horrific minutes, the pain lessened. Lucius pulled Elora off of the table, tears staining the dark wood as his hand moved to her other wrist, gripping it tightly behind her back. She looked down at her arm, shocked that instead of the dark mark Voldemort had carved an M into her skin. Her forearm burned as blood dripped down and pooled on the floor below.

"Might I say, it is quite a shame that Narcissa couldn't join us for this meeting. I am sure that would've increased the intensity of the situation" Voldemort drawled. "This was a test of your loyalty to Lucius, Miss Townes. Next time I will not be so forgiving as I test your loyalty to me" Voldemort finished, insinuating that this was a final warning before Elora would receive something much more severe.

"Get her out, Lucius" he demanded. Lucius dragged her back through the room, throwing her out and slamming the doors.

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