*Chapter 16: Handprints

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Songs for this chapter:
Walls - Chase Atlantic

TW: blood, smut, etc for the whole chapter. This might not be for everyone but it is loooong, so buckle up.

"What have you done, Miss Townes?" Lucius spoke slowly. He slammed the door shut and locked it before he sauntered over to the bed, never breaking eye contact. Elora didn't realize she was holding her breath in anticipation and her head started to spin. The rational part of her brain was screaming at her to run, to get the hell away from this man, but she stayed put. She hadn't been listening to that part of her mind for a while, and she wasn't going to start now. Instead, the devil on her shoulder was screaming at her to stay and let herself be punished. He reached the side of the bed as his gaze burned into her soul. He was clearly angry, but Elora could still detect the glimmer in his eyes that she had come to recognize.

"Get up" he demanded. She obeyed, holding the towel close to her body as she stood before him. She didn't dare to break her stare from him, wanting to show him that she was strong and could take whatever had come to her. He grabbed her wrist and she winced in pain at the sudden movement, his grasp radiating to her bandaged forearm.

"Show me" he commanded. Her breathing increased as she knew the wound had not even come close to healing yet. It had only been a mere 45 minutes since the letter had been sliced into her flesh. Looking down, Elora carefully removed the bandage, not wanting to show the pain on her face. He turned her arm to see the mark as blood slowly trailed down her skin. She tried to hide her annoyance at the fact that his demands caused her arm to bleed again. His grip on her arm tightened, causing the flow to increase, Elora winced in pain as a small gasp escaped her.

"So beautiful, marked up as mine" Lucius whispered. She pushed the thoughts of Draco out of her head, even though the M could so easily represent him as well. She met his eyes, dark with lust. She tried to ignore the blood dripping onto the floor as the pain was overtaken with adrenaline at his words and the way he was looking at her.

He continued, "but I still need to punish you, Elora. You need to learn your place" Elora's breath hitched in her throat. Still holding her arm in one hand, he ripped the towel off with the other, letting it fall to the floor. The cold air of the manor hit her skin, sending chills all over her body as she stood before him completely exposed.

He slowly led her over to the chair next to the desk and sat, guiding her to lay over his lap. She laid there, awaiting her punishment. She felt butterflies in her stomach as her hunger for him grew, catching her by surprise. She liked a dominant man, but this experience was new to her.

"If you only knew how loud your thoughts were when I had you bent over that table, Miss Townes" he spoke. Her mind flashed back to the vulnerable position Lucius held her in as Voldemort carved into her skin. Surely, she hadn't said anything given the circumstances, but how could he have known that her thoughts had drifted to how he would feel from that position? Before Elora could open your mouth to ask any questions, Lucius continued "Despite it all, even when you were screaming in pain, you were thinking of my cock ramming into you, weren't you?"

Her eyes went wide at the realization that Lucius Malfoy was also a Legilimens, something she was obviously unaware of as their relationship had developed. There were many powerful people in the wizarding world whose Legilimancy skills were well known, but he was not one of them. He laughed darkly at her surprise, knowing he had caught her off guard at his secret.

"Bad girls get punished, Elora" he spoke, the smugness dripping from his deep voice. Her hands found the fabric of his trousers, knowing she would need something to hold onto. His hand came down on her ass, the smack ringing through the room. She jolted forward as the shockwaves went through her body.

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