*Chapter 57: The Return

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Songs for this chapter:
Devil I Know - Allie X

Slight smut ahead.

Flashback 4: The Pensieve

It had been 3 weeks since Severus had taken Elora in his bed for the first time. Since then, they saw each other more and more often, but their work time had been reduced significantly. Some days, mere minutes would pass before they abandoned their project to let their hands wander.

This was of those days.

"Look at you, Miss Townes," he whispered. "Not so perfect anymore, hm?"

His hand ghosted over her thigh, threatening to dip under the hem of her short skirt. She whimpered at his words, a small plea for him to touch her. He teased her, hands moving back to the outside of her skirt before gripping the waistband. He tugged forcefully, pulling the fabric down until it pooled at her ankles.

"Better," he said darkly.

He took in the sight of her; eyes wild and lips reddened from the force of his mouth on hers just moments ago, standing there in his office with her skirt on the floor and only the sheer fabric of her white shirt covering her- just how he liked her.

Severus dropped to his knees as if to worship the woman before him. The sight of him before her was enough to make Elora release a wanton moan, the noise echoing throughout the walls of his office.

She took in the sight of him; eyes hungry and lips wet from her mouth on his just moments ago, kneeling before her in his office after ripping off her clothes- just how she liked him.

A sigh of relief left her when one of his hands finally traced between her legs to her dripping heat while he grasped her hip. He ghosted his fingers at her entrance, teasing and edging her closer to the point of insanity with every brush between her folds.

The victim lying on the table in the background was dying, the detection charm over its body steadily shifting from a bright orange to a glowing, angry red.

But Elora felt like she was dying. She would truly perish if Severus did make her come in the next five minutes.

He sensed the pleading of her body without her muttering a single word. He had grown to know her, gaining an ability to sense exactly what she needed and how her body would react to him.

"Tell me what you want," he said, eyes gazing up at her from his position on the floor.

"You. I want you," Elora replied. Her eyes were shut, brows knit in impatience at the slow pace he was taking.

But Severus was in the mood to play. He wanted so badly to make her crack, have her so desperate and needy for him that she would let her walls down and show him her true desires.

"You'll have to be more specific than that, darling," he chuckled. Elora groaned in frustration, pathetically grinding her hips forward with desperation. He tightened his grip on her hip, holding her steady and stopping her from taking control.

"I want you to touch me," she whispered.

His finger moved from her hip to her breast, flicking her nipple softly.

"Here?" he asked.

Elora shook her head. His hand moved over her stomach, stopping just below where the waistband of her skirt once sat.

"Here?" he asked again.

Elora whined and shook her head again.

"What about here?" he asked.

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