Chapter 36: Stolen

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The next few chapters will be flashbacks  in a first person point of view.

Songs for this chapter:
Hourglass - Catfish and the Bottlemen

Flashback 1 - Draco's POV

Elora fucking Townes.

The light of my godforsaken life. If only she knew. I couldn't tell her, obviously.

The moment I saw her step from that train our first year, I knew she was special. Thank the gods we were both sorted into Slytherin. I had heard rumors about her family. Her parents were loyal to the Potters and had been star pupils of Gryffindor house back in their day. What a terrible tragedy it was when their first child found himself sorted into Slytherin.

I remember holding my breath as I watched her move to the front of the Great Hall. Please let her be in Slytherin, I had thought. When the enchanted hat shouted her assignment into my house, our house, I couldn't hide my joy. We became fast friends, our friend group quickly forming. Our group consisted of myself, Elora Townes, Pansy Parkinson, Aurelia Clarke, Blaise Zabini, Theodore Nott, Vincent Crabbe, and Gregory Goyle. We were as thick as thieves within the first week of school.

And now here we all were, about to fight in a goddam war together. I knew that I would be eventually drafted alongside the ranks of my parents. A Death Eater. One could say it was my destiny as a Malfoy. I would be lying if I said there wasn't a part of me looking forward to it. It was an honor I was ready to accept.

But my gods, Elora Townes was distracting. More often than not, she was the reason I was late to meetings with Voldemort. I would be tortured and chastised every day for her if it meant I would get a few more minutes. She played these games with me, back and forth, getting more intense as the years went on. Neither of us would ever admit it, never say how much we wanted each other out loud. She was a tease, and a good one at that. It was like she knew how to test me, the precise buttons to push to have me crawling into her dainty little fingers.

Then Severus fucking Snape came along and snatched her right out of my grasp. "Prepare her for the war," he had said. I argued with him. If it were up to me, Elora would never come near the war. She was too special, too precious to lose. They worked together, long days and even longer nights. He was training her in magical healing. It was a compromise I had reluctantly made. Make her a healer and she may just be spared from the death of combat.

And one night, Theodore and I were up rather late. We sat in the common room when Elora came stumbling in from working with Snape. Her face was flushed, cheeks rosy, hair wild, lips bruised; clear and fucking undeniable evidence of sex. She obviously wasn't expecting to see me at that moment. But there I was.

Before I could think, I rose from my seat and pushed hastily past her and out of the common room. She yelled after me and I heard Theo chuckle at my reaction, but I ignored them as I sprinted down to his office. I screamed at him. "Did you fucking touch her?" I asked. I couldn't help it. He didn't get to claim her. She was his student, his prodigy.

"Draco, it is late. Go back to your dorm" he had said with his eyes rolling. My rage took over. I lunged towards him and swung my fist as hard as I could. The feeling of satisfaction I felt when my knuckles connected with his jaw is something I wish I could relive.

I turned to storm out of the door, confident that I had made my point. But then he laughed. He fucking laughed! "Maybe you need to talk to Miss Townes about her pursuit of me." I can't recall a time I had ever been so angry.

From that moment on, they were together all the fucking time. Elora wouldn't even come back to the dorm most nights. I waited up for her. I always did in the chance Snape would hurt her or cast her out. I was there for her.

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