Chapter 22: Left Behind

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Songs for this chapter:
Wiped Out! - The Neighbourhood

Elora woke with a jolt, gasping for air. Her eyes tore around the room, trying to figure out where she was and what had happened. Her vision was blurry, but she could clearly see Draco shoot out of the chair he was sitting in. She was still on the floor of the meeting room. She had only blacked out for a few seconds.

Draco rushed to her side as he cast a diagnostic charm over her. He checked it thoroughly, wanting to make sure that there was nothing internal that could cause her to black out again. She sat up and glanced around the room. She met Blaise's eyes. Worry flashed over his expression, but it didn't linger. After all, he had to show strength and loyalty too.

"Are you able to join us, Miss Townes? Or are you already so exhausted that you would rather quit before you've even started?" Voldemort's sarcastic voice boomed over to her as she got her bearings. Elora knew he wasn't actually asking. She quickly blinked away the spots in her vision as she rose from the floor and found her seat, relieved that the empty one reserved for her was next to Snape. When she sat down, Snape's hand found her thigh and gave it a reassuring squeeze. She calmed herself, assuming the worst was over.

From her seat at the table, she was forced to look directly at the Malfoys. Draco had a sense of worry that refused to leave his expression. He rarely took his eyes off of Elora through the whole meeting. Lucius looked triumphant, as though Elora was the prize and he had just taken first place. Similarly to Draco, he stared at her for the whole duration of the meeting, but his look was one of hunger.

Narcissa's eyes burned into Elora, clearly displeased that she had found her way into her husband's trap. Elora couldn't quite place if Narcissa was angry at the infidelity or mad that she had let someone else fall into her husband's toxic arms. The failure of their relationship was hardly a secret to anyone. Their hatred for each other stemmed from the war, disagreeing heavily over Draco's role. Since then, they stayed together simply for convenience and status.

Her arm burned with the reminder of her new assignment as one of the Dark Lord's faithful servants. Elora was trapped. She knew it. She felt it. There was no way for her to escape. Trapped as a Death Eater. Trapped as Lucius's mistress. She had to play the game in order to survive. She had heard stories of Voldemort's ruthlessness. His use of dark, tortuous curses was something hard for anyone to miss. His reputation always preceded him. She would be foolish to not realize that the balance of her life was no longer in her own hands.

Elora was able to survive the rest of the meeting. Voldemort dismissed them before disappearing with a crack. She remained at her seat, unable to move until Draco came and forced her to. She felt weak, weaker than she ever had as he dragged her through the manor by her aching arm.

"Draco, I don't think I can apparate" Elora said softly as they headed to the foyer to find Blaise. Draco looked at her, keeping his expression hard. He was icy cold, the way he had been since she stumbled into the meeting room the first time. Voldemort's legilimency combined with the pain from the dark magic in her body was almost too much for her to bear. She was sure that apparating now would crush her, possibly even kill her.

Keeping his gray eyes on hers, he lashed out in anger. "Maybe you should have thought about such consequences before you whored yourself out to my father!" Elora stood there in shock at his words. He was becoming impossible to read. One minute, he was casting diagnostic charms over her body to check if she was alive, the next he was spitting insults at her.

A smooth voice came from behind, starling her. Descending the staircase was Lucius. Elora immediately picked up on the fire in his eyes. "Now now, Draco. Don't be so rude to our newest member" he scolded, his voice laced with sarcasm. Elora kept her gaze down as Lucius strode over to them.

"My dear pet, are you alright? Draco's words are simply fueled by his anger that he has lost to me yet again" Lucius said, lifting Elora's chin as he forced her to look at him. She swallowed nervously. She wasn't alright, but she worried that admitting it would make her seem weaker than she already appeared. Without warning, Lucius moved his lips to hers, kissing her slowly. Elora's eyes fluttered closed, not able to resist the way he was able to mold her into submission. When her eyes opened again, Lucius was already walking away, disappearing into the depths of the manor.

She turned to Draco, afraid of what he would say. His eyes bore into her angrily. His eyes darkened as his nostrils flared. If looks could kill, Elora would be six feet underground in a split second.

Just then, Blaise appeared. He noted the obvious tension in the room before pulling on Draco's arm, signaling that it was time to go. They apparated quickly, not giving Elora time to heal. She stood alone in the foyer.


Elora wandered the gardens of Malfoy Manor as she focused on regaining her energy to apparate. She was alone. She felt lost. The stench of dark magic radiated around her and she felt as though her soul was being consumed by it. Eventually, she wouldn't be able to fight it any longer as she slipped into her new role.

Entering the maze, she felt a presence behind her. She turned around and was surprised to see that she was still alone. But the feeling never left. Elora felt as though she was being followed. She pretended to round a corner and quickly turned back as eyes met Lucius's. She stayed silent while he walked towards her.

"Wandering quite deep into my maze, are we Elora? It seems you so easily fall into my traps" He said teasingly. Elora shrank back, her back hitting a shrub as she was cornered into a dead end. Her heart was racing. She didn't want this. She didn't want him.

Lucius noticed her state, annoyed that she was suddenly playing this new angle. "Don't be shy, little one. You certainly never have been before" he laughed darkly.

Play along, Elora thought. If you want to survive, you have to play his game. She swallowed her fears and stood up a little straighter to meet his gaze. He was standing directly in front of her now, his wand twirling in his hand.

"Did you miss your friends' trip back to Hogwarts? What a shame they left you here for me to find you all alone" he taunted. His face was inches from hers. Elora tried to ignore the warm feeling in her stomach, pushing it away as the rational part of her brain stepped forward. She knew now how dangerous he was. She heard Snape's voice in her head, all of his warnings. She tried not to waver as she realized how helpless she was. Snape wouldn't save her. She didn't realize how earnest that statement was until it was too late and she needed to be saved.

Lucius grabbed her throat firmly, causing Elora's eyes to go wide at the sudden loss of oxygen. He pushed her against the hedge, the rough branches scraping her back. She noted the all too familiar lust gracing his expression, but there was a heavy undertone of anger laced there as well.

Be obedient. Do what he wants. Will yourself to survive him. Elora repeated the words to herself as her vision started to blur. The way he held her was different than he had in the past. This was far more than an assertion of his dominance. She knew what that felt like. This felt entirely different. If she didn't do what he wanted, he was going to drag her back to Voldemort or kill her himself.

"Let's fill your precious head with some more memories to show, shall we?" He said smugly. "I am sure the Dark Lord will love the little show we put on for him. Run, pet" he growled in Elora's ear. He quickly let go of her throat, causing her to fall to the ground. She scrambled away from him and reached for her wand. Before he could catch her, she disappeared with a crack.

Elora landed in Snape's office as her hand grasped at her throat. She felt dizzy and disoriented. Not quite ready to apparate, her body shook from the repercussions. Her mind felt as though there was a blade driving through it. She screamed in agony as her professor rushed to her side before she collapsed.

"What happened?" He asked urgently. Elora was quickly fading. Snape's voice was distorted in her ears. She couldn't make out what he was saying. He held her head in his hands, keeping it from hitting the hard stone of the dungeon floor. Her breathing was shallow and her heart rate was getting dangerously slow. Elora's eyes threatened to close as she gave in to death. She didn't have any fight left in her. She felt Snape pick her up, carrying her to an unknown location as she slipped away.

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