Chapter 72: Destruction

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Songs for this chapter:
No Church in the Wild - JAY-Z, Kanye West, Frank Ocean, The-Dream
Can't Catch Me Now - Olivia Rodrigo

Cheers and the clinking of glasses were heard around the room at the end of a successful year and the beginning of a promising new one. Elora took a large sip of the bubbling champagne in her glass, praying the liquid would do its job in calming her.

But then the announcement was made, and she was being beckoned up to the front of the Great Hall. She took small steps, focusing on the ground in front of her.

Voldemort's voice boomed throughout the hall, "My dear servants, in the shadows of our realm, where darkness reigns supreme, a momentous occasion is upon us. As the tides of destiny have continued to bow in our power, the Order is at the edge of collapse. The time has come to yet again defy mortality itself, to shatter the chains of weakness and ascend to a plane where death dares not tread."

One step at a time. Breathe, she commanded herself.

Upon ascending the few steps up to the front of the hall, she saw a hand outstretched towards her, ready to help her up to face the Dark Lord. She looked up, surprised to see Lucius guiding her. The supposed plan Draco had mentioned came into her mind, and Elora cast her fears aside, thankful to have a familiar face to help her through the ceremony.

"We have quite the special treat for you all tonight," Voldemort boomed. "I have summoned you here to witness a ceremony unlike any other, a ceremony that will cement our legacy for all eternity. Tonight, we create another Horcrux."

Elora squeezed Lucius's hand for dear life as the crowd of Death Eaters reacted before her. She looked into the crowd, meeting Draco's eyes, and felt herself relax slightly. He had a plan.

But then, Lucius hand was gripping her wrist tightly—too tightly. He pulled her roughly against him, his hand trailing through the slit of her dress and ripping the holster with her wand and daggers from her skin. He tossed it to the side, her wand clattering to the floor with the blades. One arm kept her close to him, while the other shoved her arm out, exposing her dark mark intertwined with the M of his signature to the audience in front of them.

"Foolish girl," he whispered into her ear.

Elora flinched, not understanding his sudden shift. Seconds later, both marks were burning, fire shooting throughout her arm as she screamed out in pain. She heard Bellatrix cackle next to her as she was shoved onto her knees.

Something was wrong. He told her she would be alright. It wasn't supposed to hurt like this. It was supposed to be an honor, not an example of her weakness. She was chosen.

Suddenly, she heard Lucius shout something that nearly made her heart stop.

"Legilimens!" he shouted.

He dove into her mind. The sensation was intrusive like usual, but there was also a heavy sense of darkness laced within. He tore through her memories before Elora had time to drive him away. She wasn't sure where to steer him, not trusting his true intentions anymore.

He weaved his way through her psyche menacingly, clearly on the hunt for something. His actions came to a halt when he reached a vision of Elora, Severus, and Draco standing at Essex Road station with the Golden Trio. He lingered for the entire duration of the scene before retreating harshly from her mind.

The room began to spin and the pain became unbearable as her vision came back into focus. Even through the agony, she realized the truth. Lucius Malfoy was never on their side.

She blinked once, twice before seeing Severus making his way towards her.

"Yes, please do join us, Severus," Voldemort said darkly.

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