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Third Person POV

The arrival of Kalpas and Sakura were not supposed to be shocking to them but it became a shock because of how convenient they had gave Peliod power by eliminating all of the weak insectars on the field.

"What are we gonna do...?!" Gobta could almost whine at this

"Don't let your guard down." Sakura warned him as she suddenly appears by his side

"Easier said than done..." Frey muttered

"Just leave the rest to us, and stand back. Her objective is to gain more power whether it be from friends or foe through the barrier." Sakura explained, her hand still laid on her swords at the ready before tilting her head to the back, "Look."

Geld and his legionnaires were already protecting every comrade on the battlefield and healing them. The devil chevaliers under Carrera's command were also using restorative magic or resurrection magic, wielding the God's Miracle: <Resurrection> to aid them. Seeing such high morale in the battlefield, Peliod was upset for the first time.

"The dead are coming back to life? There even exists such a secret technique in this world..." She cried out in surprise

"Yes, I believe so. It was supposed to be forbidden, but it was so widespread that it became irreversible." Obera said with a shrug

It was astonishing to Obera when she heard about it in the strategy meeting. She wanted to look up and shout to the heavens but now it was too late to complain since it was aiding their allies.

"Fall back and get yourselves healed up too." Sakura instructed, moving to distance Peliod away from her allies, "I'll deal with her."

"Alone? That's reckless. I will join you." Obera said

"Indeed! I shall fight as well!" Middray declared

"I will too!" Gobta added, still unified with Ranga

"Mother. Allow me the honor of crushing your enemies!" Mujika said as he joined the battlefield

"Don't forget about me either." Carrion said, having been healed by Geld

Frey stepped in as well after receiving her own treatment, "Me too. I hope you didn't think that was the end of it."

"I'm here too." Geld said in high spirits

Kalpas cackled, "Hey, hey! Don't you dare interfere! I don't care if you want to join but this is my fight!"

"You're both crazy! Benimaru might have acknowledged you guys but this enemy is not someone you can take on by yourself!" Carrion shouted

"Shut up!" Kalpas yelled back, "You guys are the ones that are gonna die if you fight!"

"... For once, Kalpas is right. You will all die at this rate. Please leave them to us." Sakura assured them as she kept narrowed eyes at Peliod

"... The 'for once' was unnecessary, Sakura." Kalpas finally grumbled after a beat of silence

"Apologies but you know it's true."

"Well, well, fighting amongst yourselves?" Peliod laughs lightly, "If you're so confident, then please do indulge us. I will use you all to create more powerful children. <Life Reconstruction>."

Peliod used the accumulated energy she gathered to strengthen her children who were still alive, which could only apply to Zess and Mujika, seeing as they were the only ones alive.


Carrera had a bitter expression on her face, though there was a sense of relief when she saw the arrival of the Flame-chasers. Had it been any other reinforcements, she would still have to worry but these two were those that Rimuru trusted the most when it came to serious battles, so she could leave Peliod and Mujika up to them for the time being while she continued facing Zess. So far, she had been enjoying her fight with him but now that the curtain had fallen, she felt a sense of disillusion before a chill went up her spine and jumped back as fast as she could. Not a moment later, the place she had been standing on before exploded.

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