The Things that Scare You

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Hey guys. Sorry, it's been so long since I have updated and I regret it immensely, but here is a chapter now. I'm going to try my hardest to keep updating regularly, especially since Winter Break for me is coming up. It took me so long to update because I was stuck with this story, but my best friend, @Asuna_Wolf, has helped me out a lot, which I'm super grateful for because I was in a rut a very long time. I also have been really busy with my sister's new baby, and school. Did I also mention that @Asuna_Wolf also is my new editor. So if you want to thank some thank her. Also, I would like it if you did go to her page and thank her because I think it will be really funny if she will be getting emails all day from my beloved fans. Also, her page is kinda blank. Anyways, I'm very grateful to whoever is reading this now. Thanks so much! 

The image is Dylan or Taylor Jardine. 

Also, I quoted Band Slam, " Always do the thing that scare you. " Because it fit and that's my favorite quote ever. 

READ THIS: I have also made some changes in the previous chapter, Wren's sexuality being one of those. She is now a bisexual. Also previously she had said she was in love with Caroline but I thought that was too dramatic so now she just likes her XD. Now enjoy. 


I wake the next morning a little earlier than usual, planning to do something nice for my mom. The usual morning routine is for her to wake up and make breakfast for the boys while I get them dressed and ready for school. But my mom had worked the late shift at her waitressing job so I decided that I would make breakfast this morning and help get the boys dressed too. Sometimes I try to give her a break, even if it is something as small as this.

I get dressed with ease, not really having to take long to think about what I wanted to wear today. I don't really wear anything special. Today, I am just wearing a plain V-neck black shirt with a dark blue cardigan and jeans. I really don't care much about how I dress like most people did, but I tried not to look like a total slob.

I finish breakfast quickly, because after that I have to help the boys get dressed so my mom can just wake up and take the boys to school.

When my mom wakes up, I leave immediately, not even realizing I am moving faster than usually do, leaving the house earlier than normal.

It is because of this anxious feeling I have and it's clawing at my stomach. It makes me feel like I want to jump out of my skin. I had planned, after I had written the letter last night, that I would put it back in the place where I found it like the mystery person instructed me.

This decision left my stomach in complete knots. Doing this will mean that I am now fully invested in talking to this mystery person and I still am not really sure if it is the right choice. There are so many things that can go bad with this and yet I wrote the letter anyways. So to me that was a bit of a sign that said no turning back.

So I am going to do it regardless of how I feel about it right now because I feel like I was already knee deep, so I might as well go with it. I was going to take that letter and put it back where I found it no matter what.

I get to school pretty early considering I like ran out the house, so I make my way to the library as soon as I step in the door since there is no sense in waiting any longer. As I walk, it is almost like I can literally feel the weight of the notebook in my backpack.

When I get to the library, I walk over to the spot I found it, hesitating before dropping the notebook down the side of the table.

It is done. Now I all I have to do is worry myself to death about whether or not the person will write back again or will they just forget all about me.

Dear No One (Girlxgirl)(Lesbian Story)(EDITIING)Where stories live. Discover now