Returning to Normal

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This is extremely long over due, and the bad part about this is that I have chapters pre-written and I can never get around to actually editing them! I know what a pity. Anyways, this chapter may be full of errors and tense shifts but Ill fix it at a later date. I really really love writing this story so I really want to keep updating and keep writing it. I'm constantly thinking of this story and I want to finish it! So I will! I'm won't promise sooner updates because I'm so stupid busy but I will update when I can. Thank you to everyone who has stuck by me! I wouldn't be doing this if it weren't for you guys!



Dear Not Very Helpful,

Regardless of how unhelpful you think you are; you are still very helpful to me. I just like being able to talk to someone. Like really talk to someone. Even though, my friend and I are close sometimes it's just like it's not okay to talk about these things. I would very much call meeting you a plus. An A+ plus. Please, laugh at my joke. I'm hilarious.

How are you so sure? Well even if I'm not sure how you know, fate has been on my side even more so than usual.

Well sorta. One minute I'm skateboarding along when CC, (It's code name for the comic connoisseur since that seems to be what we are calling her now.) and scares the shit out of me. I fall and sprain my wrist. I know what a bitch, right. But the upside is the before CC and I weren't on speaking terms, to my despair, but now I don't' know what we are. Friendly maybe? She drove me to school and the entire time I thought I was going to go into cardiac arrest.

I'm bursting with joy we are "friends" again. We will see how it goes.

Oh and don't think I missed that stunt you pulled there. All these compliments are going to give me a big head. Are you flirting with me? Not that I'm good with noticing if someone is flirting, but when someone says "you are clearly likable." It sounds a bit like flirting, no?


Slightly Confused

I finish the letter, dotting a couple of my I's before sliding the notebook it down the side of the desk.

I stare at the spot between the wall and the desk, thinking for a moment. I wonder if my mystery writer has ever sat in this very spot themselves writing a letter to me, just like I did for them today.

And I wonder if they had been flirting with me. I am charmed of course since I didn't have many suitors lined up to flirt with me but I'm not sure I want another person to add to the list of people I am confused about when dealing with my feelings concerning them.

I like this person well enough but I realize we only ever talk about me so I didn't know much about them. I finalize that I want to know more about this person before I can say anything. Honestly, I didn't even know if they are a good of a friend as they appear in these letters. They very well could be some stalker type with a knife that switches into a ballpoint pen to write me with. Insane but you get my point.

I pull the notebook back up deciding that I have one more thing to say.

I write,

P.S We never talk about you and your daily struggles. Maybe we should give that a try. I'm starting to feel a bit conceited.

This time I slide the notebook back into its spot and don't pick it up again. I start to get up from my seat but stop short when I see a familiar redhead from across the library.

Caroline is hunched over her computer, typing furiously with books littered all around her. She looks absolutely adorable with the face scrunched up in concentration.

Dear No One (Girlxgirl)(Lesbian Story)(EDITIING)Where stories live. Discover now