So Close Yet Still So Far

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Hello! I am a student so I had midterms and stuff and there was just a lot I wanted to put into this chapter so it had to wait. But it's here now.

This chapter is much longer then my others but I just couldn't stop myself.

Also people are probably wondering why no date with Caroline again? Well I need to get some more plot points out the way before that so the date will be in the next chapter. I know I'm the devil lol. Anyways enjoy.


The sun shone down from behind clouds  as we stood in the park near the swing set. The wind was making it quite chilly out. The wind picks up swirling around where we stood. I pulled at the sleeves of the jacket over my hands to fight off the cold.

My cheeks start to feel hot when I realize that the jacket I was wearing was not mine like I had originally thought but instead the jacket that Dylan gave me the night we went to the movies.

I look up at Dylan trying not to look as embarrassed as I felt. Dylan's amused smirk told me that she knew I was wearing her jacket too, but she didn't comment on it.

"It seems we are always running into each other. Fate clearly has plans for us." Dylan's voice was full of hope as she said these words. I tried not to feel the same hope stirring within me, though I wanted to.

I also had no idea what plans could she have possibly with meant but I hope they were good ones.

I didn't know why but suddenly I had the urge to tell Dylan about the date that I had coming up with Caroline. I had already told Erin, who seemed happy for me but at the same time, she kept asking me if it was really what I had wanted.

Of course, I had wanted to go out with Caroline. She was beautiful, funny, and all around perfect. There is no reason not to want to date her. My crush on her was finally being realized and I was ecstatic.

I felt like talking to Dylan about it would be really really weird. So I kept my mouth shut.

Though, I couldn't stand looking at Dylan's dark eyes and happy smile anymore so I looked over her shoulder to where she was sitting before. I hadn't noticed it before but my skateboard, or rather I should say her extra one, was laying on the ground next to a pair of ice skates.

My eyebrows rose in surprise and my voice was coated with disbelief " You ice skate?" Ice skating seemed like something Dylan would never do.

Dylan looked over her shoulder for a moment eyeing the ice skates too. " Oh yeah. I, um, picked it up a while back. I went to a cousins birthday party at the rink and I don't know if just stuck with me."

" Not too girly for your badass facade?" I said teasing her. A blush dusted Dylan's cheeks and traveled to her ears.

With a noncommittal shrug, she said, " It helps me think."

She looked so adorable at that moment. Dylan was trying not to look in my eye as I stared at her a little in awe at her new found skill. She just looked at the boys as they ran around the obstacles on the playground.

They must have known she was looking because they stopped for a moment, waving happily at us. Both of us raised our hands to wave back.

" Do you think I could come watch you skate sometime?"

" You want to watch me? I'm not even very good. I just mess around." I could see the skepticism in her eyes and her furrowed brow.

"Sure it could be fun. I can even get you a cute sparkly leotard or whatever it is figure skaters wear." I said with a wide smile.

Dear No One (Girlxgirl)(Lesbian Story)(EDITIING)Where stories live. Discover now