Having A Coke With You

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So I'm dumb. This took me much longer then it needed too because I have a part that was supposed to be at the end which I realized can just go into the next part and I'm sitting here writing and writing to finish it when it can just be saved for the next chapter lol. Anyyyyywhoooo, this is the awaited date clearly lol.

Also this is not heavily edited because it's 4 am and I just can't. I will tomorrow. So proceed with caution.


Erin arrived soon after Dylan, helping me pick out an outfit because everything I picked, in her opinion, was too granny and not enough sexy.

While I picked out my accessories, Erin lounged on my bed texting Paul no doubt. It was always Paul. Best friends don't exist in the world of Paul it seemed. I tried not to feel too bitter as I distractedly looked through a pile of necklaces on my dresser.

I know Erin is looking at me but I decided not to look at her.

"Paul said he loves me."

Of course, I look at her then. I hadn't known their relationship was there yet. Sure they were in the honeymoon phrase but did that equate to love? But maybe it was deeper than that. I think love was feeling like coming home to a house you didn't know was yours. Everything is exhilarating but also familiar and safe. And was that the love that everyone talked about? The love transcends anybody and everything or at least it does in the stories. Maybe the stories were true.

Did Erin feel that love?

Have I ever felt that love?

Erin was still looking at me waiting for me to say something. I just didn't know what to say. How do I say anything that doesn't sound too bitter but also supportive. "Do you love him?"

Erin sighs loudly looking very defeated from her spot on the bed. I couldn't help myself but I went over and sat next to her. I put my arm around her shoulder and pulled her to me. " You can always talk to me."

She sighs again before speaking, "I think I can love him. I know I love him."

"Then what's wrong?"

"What if I don't love him enough? What if he loves me too much?"

Now I was sighing, "Maybe that's not a bad thing. Sometimes we just have to put ourselves out there to find what is right for us."

"Jesus, when did you become a fucking love guru?" Erin laughs and I can't help but laugh with her.

" Oh no, I'm so far from knowing anything about love. Clearly." We smile at each other. It's like we both know that regardless of the shambles of our love lives or the fact that maybe we are growing apart, the glue between us will always hold.

"And is that what your doing, putting yourself out there?"

I don't answer though, my smile falling slowly from my face.

Before I can respond Dylan appears in the doorway of my room, looking shy.

Erin gets up to leave claiming she needed to go get the perfume that she loves oh so much out of her car. But I just think she just wants a reason to leave the room.

Dylan let Erin past before she walked in slowly like she had just walked into a museum and she needed to look and analyze everything. And maybe she does. Maybe for her, my room is a museum. A museum of my life. All the things she once knew about me but also everything she wasn't apart of. I wondered if I was still the same girl to her that I once was.

She doesn't speak for a while but just looked around, hands grazing over this and that, afraid to disturb anything. Like she could.

" Where are you off to exactly? Your mom didn't say. " She smiles, a smile that shows off her light swoon-worthy dimples. "Kudos to her, by the way. Her and Waylen would be cute. Even if he does look like a werewolf."

Dear No One (Girlxgirl)(Lesbian Story)(EDITIING)Where stories live. Discover now