Keep on Wanting

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Hello everyone! Thanks so much for moving to the next chapter of "Dear No One." I'm so excited to get more into this story. I'm really liking the character that I have some how created.

I hope you all enjoy!


I spent the day constantly thinking about that notebook. I happen to lose things quite often so I'm not actually worried about the notebook itself. What is in the notebook is a different story.

I don't really care about what people think of me because it's only my opinion that matters, but when someone finds a notebook that has your lonely, and maybe even a little bitter, feelings on paper, you are bound to feel some amount of embarrassment.

I honestly don't know what possessed me to write the stupid thing in the first place. I really wish I hadn't.

Thank God it is the end of the school day. I am worn out from my mind being elsewhere ever since I lost the notebook. I gladly began shoving textbooks and things that I no longer need in my locker.

I pause for a moment just remembering that I am forgetting something again. I groan when I realize that Mrs. Morgan had given me detention for being late. So much for going home to take a nap before I have to show up for work.

"What are you all huffy about?" Erin glides up gracefully with a pearly white smile. Of course, around us everyone stared as she moved. Erin is downright gorgeous, how can they not stare? I found myself even staring at her sometimes though I had no feelings for her whatsoever. That would be weird.

"I just remembered I had detention after school." I slam my locker shut, giving Erin my undivided attention.

"How did you forget that? It literally happened a couple hours ago. Even I remembered." Erin questions with a smirk. I don't even know why she asked. She knows that I am the forgetful type. I can't help it. I always have a billion things running through my mind. It is hard to focus on just one.

"Whatever. Are you and Derek coming by the bowling alley during my shift?" I work basically every day of the week at a bowling alley. Sure, people really don't bowl as much as they used to but somehow the owner Waylen managed to keep the place afloat.

Although the bowling alley is struggling, it still managed to be where teens hang out the most. Most don't even bowl; they just came for the food. Waylen is an amazing cook when it came to greasy foods. He even taught me some of the tricks of the trade.
"No sorry I can't," Erin replied with a pout. I already know where this is going. "Paul and I are having dinner with his family. You know I can't miss it since his family already thinks I'm some type of floozy."

This is one of the reasons why I have felt lonely lately. My best friends are always ditching me for their boyfriend or girlfriend. Don't get me wrong, it's completely okay, but it just happens so often we barely get to see each other anymore.

The single life is hard. I am not unattractive or anything; I just can't find someone that is willing to date me. All of the people that I actually like are usually straight, so there is clearly no chance for me at all. There are not many queer girls to date in my school that I knew of. And those I did are already had girlfriends.

So hence my being single.

"That's okay. What about Derek?" I know the answer, but it doesn't hurt to try.

"He said Camille and him are doing something after school." Erin gives me a pity look, which I really don't need or want. "Sorry."

"Don't worry about it." I said truthfully, but also half heartedly. "Have fun at Paul's. I got to get to detention."

Dear No One (Girlxgirl)(Lesbian Story)(EDITIING)Where stories live. Discover now