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Yeah it really has been a long time since I updated this story. But I honestly some inspiration on this story and I'm still a little stuck but I'm trying. I hope you guys like it. I'm really to live up to what Kissing Olivia W was and is :)



After an hour of staring at the slow ticking clock and having to endure Jet throwing things at my back detention is finally over.

From the corner of my eye I can see Dylan already making her way to the door. Before she can leave, I smile at Dylan, wanting to make my way over her, but she doesn't return the smile. She just looks at me with an unreadable expression, then she stuffed her hand in her pockets and walks off.

I let out a rejected sigh. I wish I can fix whatever this is. I don't even know what happened between us.

"Until next time." Jet says ruffling my hair as he walks past me, with Luther behind him tipping an imaginary hat.

I huff fixing my hair and glaring at them as they went out the door.

This is just not my day. I can't wait till I got home. But I know even when I got home, I won't have a moment of relaxation.

I gather my things, seeing that it is almost time for me to be at work and I can't afford anymore lollygagging.

I rush past the teacher not sparing her a second glance out my way out.

I went out to the school parking lot, unlocking my car as I go. There are seldom cars left in the parking lot since everyone else has gone home at this point.

I quickly open in slide into my affordable Ford Escape. It is 2010 edition, so it is right in my budget since my family wasn't rolling in money or anything.

I pull off heading straight to the bowling alley where I work at.

When I pull into Maver's bowling alley the parking lot is already packed. Though school has let out about an hour ago, the place is still crowded.

Waylen Maver's is the owner and caretaker of the bowling alley. It was given to him by his late grandfather. From what I have been told at first he didn't want to the place, but now he feels differently.

Though Waylen is in his late forties, he still is able to connect with younger kids and so he decided to keep the alley up and running for the teens. He wanted to give us some kind of refuge.

His pride and joy is everything that Maver's Bowling alley is. Maver's bowling alley is probably the number one teen spot to hang out at. It has everything anybody can want. Good music, bowling, and great food. 

I hop out of the car and begin walking toward the front entrance, waving to the regulars that I know on the way there.

I am not a popular kid, but people often know me. I can say I guess I am in the middle of total outcast and celebrity popular. I don't strive to be anything else. I like the position that I am in. People don't expect too much.

When I enter, the smell of freshly vacuumed carpet, bowling ball polisher, and greasy, but delicious food hit my nose. I like the smell that it has for some odd reason. It is always familiar to me.

The place doesn't look half bad for a teen hang out either. The place is mostly retro styled since it is handed down to Waylen from his grandfather. Waylen wanted to keep the essence of it from when his grandfather owned it so he never remodeled but it looked good. The carpet is fresh and the alleys are nice and shiny with slightly scuffed bowling pins. That's really all that mattered.

Dear No One (Girlxgirl)(Lesbian Story)(EDITIING)Where stories live. Discover now