I Don't Feel It Anymore

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Hey guys! It's been forever, I know, but I'm graduating in a couple days, so this month has been really crazy leading up to this. I have finally had a little time mixed with some inspiration to start writing again. I really hope I didn't lose any of you guys out there :) I want this to be as good a Kissing Olivia W. So I'm trying my best.

Oh and P.S The picture is of Wren. I forgot to add it like in the first chapter. There will be more pictures of characters later on.

Anyways, Enjoy!


After my shift is over, in which I spent most of my time staring at Caroline than actually doing my work, I immediately get into my car and drive home. I realize that I am actually really tired though for most of the day, at school and at work, I really haven't done anything besides think about the letter and pretend to do the work that I am suppose to be doing. Oh, and stare at Caroline.

When I get home it is about 9 o'clock, I will usually get home earlier than this, but I stayed after work longer than I should have. I can tell I will be up for a few more hours helping my mother with my little brothers because all the lights are still on in the house.

As I opened the door, I can hear my name being shouted somewhere in the house. Alec and Joel came bounding at full speed to the front door, jumping on me for a hug. I shift on impact, catching Alec in my arms and Joel colliding into my waist.

Joel is 7 and Alec is 5. Though my parents' marriage was starting to become rocky as it was, they both tried to fix it by having two more children after me so that they could try to give the appearance of a normal happy family but obviously it didn't work.

My mother soon trailed in right behind them seemingly out of breath, looking ran down. In comparison, my mother and I really don't look much alike, the boys favored her more. She has shoulder length dark blonde hair and gray eyes. As of now, her eyes don't seem to have that sparkling gleam that they usually do, they only look tired.

To keep my small family from sinking my mother had taken up two jobs just so that she can feed us and properly raise us. We really didn't have much so I helped as well by getting my own job. The money I make goes to my mother just because I wanted to lift the load off her shoulders. Most of the time I just felt like a burden to her, since I am basically the mistake child, so I want to be as helpful as I can.

Joel and Alec, don't really make it easy for her either, since they are both little balls of energy. Really though, the one who is full of energy was Joel but Alec is at the age where all he wants to do is follow his big brother. So together they raise hell jumping literally from one thing to the next. It is a rarity to be able to get them to calm down for a second.

"Hey Mom." I say, clutching onto Alec to keep him from sliding down my waist since Joel is below us tugging on Alec shouting that he too wants a hug.

"Hi Wren." My mother responds. I can see the relief flooding through her eyes at the fact that I am finally home. "I'm having trouble getting them to bed again."

With the most cheerful smile I can muster to make my mother feel better I say, "I'm on it."

"Thank you." She cups my cheek softly with her hand, then goes off into the living room probably to clean up the mess of toys and other things the boys left behind.

I put Alec down on the ground, then I quickly wrap an arm around Joel pulling him off of my waist. "Who's ready for bed?" I say, with a fist pump leaning over to their height.

"I don't want to go to bed!" Joel stomps his foot on the ground. I look at Alec waiting for his response. He simply looks at Joel then back at me and said the same thing.

Dear No One (Girlxgirl)(Lesbian Story)(EDITIING)Where stories live. Discover now