Set Up for the Better

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So this is the first of a series of quick updates. You're welcome ;) I decided I would just update with whatever I have for you guys because you wait this long and I have material written so why make you wait any longer. So here you guys are I really how you enjoy what I have planned out for you guys!


I stand at my locker, propping the notebook up against the metal that held quite a few of the interactions between me and my mystery writer. I shouldn't be reading the letter so out in the open, but I just had to see what it said.

I stopped by the library earlier to see if they had written back and my heart raced when I saw that they had. I don't know why seeing the notebook wedged in between the desk caused excitement of course through my veins. I guess having someone to talk to could do that to you. And maybe it was the secretiveness about it all too.

I begin reading, knowing that class is about to start soon so I don't have much time.

Dear Slightly Confused,

How about this, we can say that I was flirting with you only if you think that me flirting is a good thing. If it's not well I was most certainly not flirting with you. Can we shake on that?

But if I'm honest with myself, I was flirting a bit. I find myself slightly drawn to the words that you write to me on paper. The honesty that your words hold and the way that you are so open is just bait for a romantic heart like mine. I get nervous seeing your handwriting filling the pages when I open this notebook.

What will my phantom friend say to me today I wonder?

Then I read, so very hungrily wanting to listen to your lives problems for days. I just like hearing what you have to say. Okay okay, maybe that was a little too over dramatic but maybe I just can't help myself. Sorry if this is really weird and a bit frightening, or creepy, you can stop writing me right now if you want. I hope you don't.

Anyways, my tiny crush on you and the way that you think aside.

I did laugh, out loud even, at your joke regardless if it was really cheesy. The guy across from me looked me like I was crazy. Though I'm not happy that you sprain your wrist but look on the bright side, at least it's not the hand that you write with so that you can still talk to me.

I hope your new found, or rather found again, friendship goes well. I know you have been pining for that girl for a while. Hopefully, she is smart enough to keep you around because she doesn't know what she is missing. Now that I think about it, if I were her I wouldn't have given you up for no reason. Maybe you should find out if hers was a good one?

I feel that if you guys hope to get over what happened in the past it only helps if you talk about it rather than leaving things unsaid.

While I think I'm fresh out of flirting and advice for today.

Flirty But Wise

I am astonished at the line that my mysterious writer had crossed. They barely know me yet they were flirting. I didn't think I am creeped out, however, definitely more flattered than anything. But could they really think I am that interesting after a few letters? I find myself whiny than anything.

I stand there staring at the messy and rushed handwriting. You know when you see handwriting and you just know that it was more feminine than masculine? I got the feeling that it seemed feminine but at the same time, it also seemed rush and disorganized like guys. There is really no telling the gender of the writer from just handwriting.

Not that the person's gender matter when it came down to a friendship or a relationship for that matter. But I am still itching to know.

My ears pick up the sound of shoes scuffing the floor. It is the sound of a person who doesn't know how to pick up their feet when they walked. I automatically know who it is without looking away from the notebook. I rush to put the notebook in my bag before she gets to my locker.

Dear No One (Girlxgirl)(Lesbian Story)(EDITIING)Where stories live. Discover now