Always and Forever

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Hello! It's me. I would have had this or earlier but I'm still going through a lot of stuff and I just haven't been up to writing but I have now.
I think after this chapter, it will mostly be happy scenes between Wren and Dylan just an FYI. But I felt they needed on more confrontation about whatever went on.

So happy reading


I felt kind of weird after my pseudo bonding moment with Jet. It was weird to see him so vulnerable while at the same time questioning his sexuality.

Jet and I had talked a couple of days ago, I just couldn't stop feeling like I should have said more to Jet. God knows I needed someone around to help me figure out everything I was feeling. Erin was really great to me and she was very accepting. But it's very different being able to talk to someone who understands what you are going through. Someone who went through what you did.

I knew I needed to talk to Jet again. But I also needed to read the letter that I had found waiting for me when school had let out.

Dear Down and Out,

Before I tell you more about myself, I think I should address how much my heart goes out to you. I'm really sorry that you had to go through that. I know that if CC knew that those things would have made you feel that way then she probably wouldn't have did them.

I don't think anyone has a complete disregard for someone else's feelings like that.

I glad that you seem to at least be finding happiness with someone regardless if this CC seems to be quite the fuck up. But like I said before I really don't understand why someone would pass up someone like you. You're funny, kind, and clearly really passionate. And clearly worth it.

Maybe you should try talking to her before being so rash. Everyone has their reason for everything. From what I know you haven't talked to her about it. Or maybe you should just tell her how you feel. I don't want to be cliché but talking is key to solving a lot of things. You know communication is key and all that. If you think she is special should you really let her go? Though I do know that you feel like you are being pushed aside. What if she does have feelings for you too? Then that would be amazing right?

Did you say yes to that girl? If she asked you out I mean.

About me now I guess. It's like when you have to fill in those stupid things that say describe yourself and you go completely blank. Maybe I should talk about my problems I guess.

I like someone too just like you. I'm plagued with pining for someone just like you as well. Things are better than they were before between me and the girl. At first, it was like she and I were revolving in two different orbits and now we are in the same one. I don't even know if that makes sense. I'm really not good at these things.

I don't even know if like is the right word. Sometimes it feels like I'm far too gone for it to be just like. I'm scared that it's so much more than that.

I'm sorry I just don't really know how much I can talk about this since I don't really know how I feel, to be honest. Sometimes I just feel like I'm in the middle of a storm that never stops.

See I told you I'm not good at this. I'm not good at communicating at all really.

Anyways, Until Next Time,

Terrible at Talking

I don't know why but it was comforting to know that I wasn't the only on having relationship problems but it was also nice knowing that maybe I could help this person out with whatever probably they were having. Even if I couldn't fix my own.

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