Hopeless Changes Over Time

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Dylan continues to stare at her phone then pops a piece of gum in her mouth as she walks toward us while I watch her like a hawk.

I try not to notice how cute she looks with her favorite hat sitting on her head backward.

My heart drums in my chest and I try to will it to stop. Obviously, my heart never listens to my brain. In this moment, I desperately want it to.

"Hey, guys!" Derek says with a wink at me. I glare back at him, wanting to let him know that I am in on his plot. He just smiles and fist bumps Paul.

I don't know if I should say anything to let Dylan know that I am here, assuming she doesn't know this was some type of set up either. I just elect to stay quiet and scuff my shoes.

"Isn't this exciting? We having been out like a group like this in a while. " Erin says clapping her hands happily. Then with an evil look, she looks at me and goes " Right Wren?"

Dylan looks up then. Her eyes lock with mine and for some reason, it feels like the world stops. It's like those movie scenes when everyone disappears and it's just us. I know it sounds really really dumb but when she looks at me I feel like anything is possible.

My god, I can't believe I'm saying this crap.

Then I remember the crushing pain I once felt when I thought of her. I want to remember that pain so that when I'm faced with her I don't get sucked into everything that is her like before.

I wave meekly, "Hey guys." Camille grins then give me a crushing hug.

" I'm so glad you finally came to hang out!" I realized that it's possible that I have been spending too much time at work and not enough time with my friends. But work wasn't the only thing keeping me from them

I always felt left out when I hung out with Derek and Erin. With them always being  stuck to their significant others side, it's hard to feel included. But also I never want Derek or Erin to have to pick between me and Dylan. So I made the choice for them and left myself out of the picture.

I never thought it might be hurting them. " I'm sorry Camille. I know I don't hang out as much as I should. I'll try more." I grin and hug her back. Derek gets in on the hug then, kissing me on the cheek.

"We missed you!" He says with a child like voice.

Camille all but growls, showing off her green eyed monster. She breaks from our small group hug, crossing her arms over her chest, and I honestly can't tell if she is being serious or not.

Derek immediately starts groveling. "Okay, I'm sorry babe. It won't happen again promise." They must have had some type of conversation about Derek and I's relationship and I suddenly felt awkward.

" Good." She says pulling him to her then kissing him on the lips. The kiss last longer then it should in front of others.

" I think I'm going to puke," Dylan comments behind them.

I raise my hand. " I second that."

Paul speaks up then. " I think we should go inside the movie is going to start and it's kinda cold out here."

Everyone automatically starts to pair off to go instead which I know what is going to happen. It's funny how I didn't know when the night started that I would find myself paired off with Dylan.

As we go inside to get in line for our tickets, she says to me "You're here."

"In the flesh," I respond with a small smile.

" Of course I didn't know you were going to be here. Derek just asked me to come to a movie." Dylan adjusts her hat that's on her head, which she always seems to be wearing these days. Which I will admit it does look good on her.

Dear No One (Girlxgirl)(Lesbian Story)(EDITIING)Where stories live. Discover now