Dear No One

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Yay! The first chapter of my second story is finally here! I'm so excited about this. I can't wait to finish writing the rest. I have some cool things planned. I hope you guys like it. Thanks for all the people who have read some of my previous stuff and are now reading this. It means a lot that you liked me well enough to read more of my stuff.

Also thanks to the people who are new and giving me a try :)

Oh yes, this story is inspired by the wonderful and most amazing song by Tori Kelly called "Dear No One." If you chose to listen to the song and find that it matches the letter just a little bit well it is done purposely. I don't own any of the song though.

I dedicate this to captainjackmoose because she has really been waiting for me to write this and she said some really nice stuff to get me through this apprehension that I felt about this. So thanks!

P.s Just in case, the Main Characters name is pronounced Ren. The pic on the side is also Wren.

CURRENTLY MAKING TENSE CHANGES. Bare with me please! This book needs soooooooo much editing which I will be doing over time. 

Enjoy everyone!!


I don't want to bore you with all the boring preliminaries of me waking up that morning so I'll skip right to where it all started; to where my world fell off center.

I was bored all right and maybe feeling a bit sentimental. I was often bored during school so this was definitely not something new. But the whole sentimental thing was as new as a new shiny penny. Yes, that was my attempt at making a simile.

But when I pulled out a brand new notebook from my backpack — My backpack was full of fresh notebooks pens and pencils. Mind you it was not the beginning of the school year; I just had a thing for new school supplies. — I didn't expect to start writing an elaborate paragraph about my feelings. I expected to doodle to pass the time.

You see, I'm not super in touch with my feelings, so this was strange for me. And it's also kind of strange because who just randomly started writing about their feelings on a piece of paper during school. I guess if you're writing in your diary then it's okay, but I'm not the diary kind if girl so this was weird. But who, would right in mind, write in their diary with 20 other people in the room.

Okay, enough with my rambling.

I have my reasons on why I didn't care to be all knowing about my feelings besides happiness and sometimes sadness. Feelings always only lead to pain. That's what I have experienced so far.

I was completely in the zone, writing like the wind. I hadn't noticed the shuffling of people around me. The bell had just rung and I was still planted in my seat, putting the finishing touches on what I had just written.

It reads:

Dear No One,

I have been thinking a lot lately. Thinking just for the sake of thinking. And constantly the thing that pops into my head often is relationships. Now first consider my love life is nonexistent, so it's not like I'm thinking about if I'm in love or not. I am also not thinking about my sexuality because I have that pretty much figured out. I'm thinking more along the lines of will I ever be in a relationship and will I actually enjoy it or will just be a ball and chain kind of thing. I can't help but think this because the relationships that I have seen are either doomed to fail from the start or the couple is just so in love with each other they barely notice that the earth is still spinning.

I'm the type of person who likes to be independent, but leans on my friends and loved ones when I have to. I rather entertain myself than a bunch of people. I'm definitely not antisocial, I'm pretty sociable, meaning I have my circle of good friends, friends, and people I say hi to because I'm being polite and then just plain old acquaintances. In a relationship I just want to be able to have a relationship where I don't have to give the other person so much attention like a puppy. I like my space.

Dear No One (Girlxgirl)(Lesbian Story)(EDITIING)Where stories live. Discover now