If It Means A lot to You

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During the ending scenes of the movie, I decided that I would make it my personal mission to get over whatever it was that I was feeling for Dylan.

There has been too much of me just saying it and not actually doing it.

I'll admit that maybe my crush from before had never gone away but Dylan clearly would never like me back so it was time to snuff out whatever feelings that I might have for her.

I started with telling Dylan I didn't want any more skittles, I couldn't take it anymore to my chagrin but her lingering touches needed to stop.

Once the movie was over, everyone clambering out into the hall trying to decide what they wanted to do next.

Paul and Derek both agreed that they wanted to go out to eat which I could tell their respective girlfriends did as well. Honestly, at this point, I just wanted to go home. But too I really wanted to try to save more of my money. I never knew when my mother might fall behind in bills and she might need me.

So I opted out on the trip to get food with them. I tell them that I will walk home since I really, didn't want them to have to put up with the hassle of taking me home rather than just going straight to get food. Nothing is really far in our neighborhood, plus I liked walking.

They all hugged me goodbye except for Dylan of course but she did linger behind as the rest of the group began to leave. But in the end, she didn't say anything but instead, she just caught up with the group.

I was left alone, in the theatre suddenly feeling very lonely. My single status setting into my heart again.

I decided that I didn't really want to go home just yet because the arcade games had caught my eye. I walked over to them with nostalgia stirring in me.

They haven't changed these games since Derek, Dylan, and I were kids. I remember spending hours here just messing around with them never wanting to leave. We would constantly play the motorcycle games, especially since I would always win first and they could never beat me. We would even spend tons of money on the claw games, never winning anything, but it was still fun for us anyway.

I smiled sadly at the red motorcycles, just listening to the racing sounds coming from the speakers of the game. If only things were the way that they were then. Things are so much simpler when you're a kid.

"Do you want to play?" A voice spoke up behind me, but of course, I already knew who it was.

" Are you sure you want to get your ass handed to you?" I grin still not turning around. I could feel Dylan stepping closer, I could feel the heat of her body near my back.

"Bring it on." She chuckles near me, I can hear her digging for change in her pockets. Dylan walks over to the machine, depositing coins in both mine and hers.

Dylan hops onto her bike and starts making pretend engine revving noise. She winks at me like she is trying to seem cool on her arcade motorcycle.

"Come on pretty lady, hop on." She pats the motorcycle seat next to her, wanting to start our race.

But I don't get on right away, instead, I ask, " Why did you stay?" Dylan looked at me with her intense brown eyes, clearly thinking over what she wanted to say.

"I didn't want you to have to be alone." She looks away from me and starts to play with the worn rubber on the handlebars of the motorcycle. "I haven't been the best of friend but I want to do better. For you." My heart warms substantially at her words, honestly, I don't know what to say. I did I don't think I could have gotten the words out.

"Come on," Dylan said saving me from my inner struggle. "Allow me to kick your ass."

"Clearly you are dreaming," I say haughtily, knowing that Dylan doesn't have a chance against me. "You obviously don't remember how many times I kicked your ass when we were kids. Allow me to refresh your memory."

Dear No One (Girlxgirl)(Lesbian Story)(EDITIING)Where stories live. Discover now