How I knew

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I have no clue where this chapter came from but I had this idea in my head so is wrote. Honestly I like it lol I hope you guys do too. It might not be what some of your guys were expecting but I don't know why it seems right me.

But within this chapter I talk about bisexuality. Now I am no means a bisexual so what I wrote was stuff I studied from online. If it is wrong or sound stupid to any of you please let me know so that I can fix it!!!

Also I know my tenses are super shitty which I'll fix at a later date.

This is also dedicated to @galiaasae because she is always a serious support of my work and I appreciate it a lot! 



I walked with Caroline to her class for a bit more with giddiness filling my entire body as she laughed and continuously brushed my hand as we walked together.

When we finally parted all those feelings left me and I was left alone with my thoughts once more. As the halls began to clear, I still walked around aimlessly feeling that there was no point to even going to class if I knew I wasn't going to be paying attention. My mind was somewhere else.

The hall emptied and I stood there alone, realizing that I should probably find somewhere else to mope.

Why was I moping you ask? I just got asked on a date by a pretty girl, who I actually like and who actually likes me. What is there to mope about?

She wasn't my first choice.

Of course, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had for Dylan.

Everything was going right for me, everything was going in my favor. She was still the thing that I couldn't shake from my thoughts. The permanent tattoo of her on my heart could not be erased.

I should be jumping for joy right now. Instead, I was walking into the quiet auditorium with my shoulders slumped.

The sounds of my footsteps bounced all around the bug space. The velvet seats were empty and the stage was clear. No one was here and I could be alone.

I went up to the stage, walking up the staircase on the side of it and then I sat down on the rim of the circle stage.

Right now I feel so incredibly stupid for even constantly thinking of Dylan and her stupidly beautiful face.

I don't get why our feelings were something that we couldn't control. My feelings were mine so why did they have to run amuck and not care that I didn't want to feel like this.

Caroline was here and she was interested in me and yet there was someone else.

When this whole thing started all I wanted for someone to love me and for me to have someone to love.

Now I have someone interested in me but inside I still feel like a complete mess. I can't figure out what it is that I want. Or rather who it is I want. I swear I'm so tired of this inner turmoil bullshit.

Why did that have to be so hard?

I pulled my legs up to my chest, laying my head on my knees. I closed my eyes feeling that I needed to rest and my brain felt absolutely fried. I felt bad for skipping class but sometimes I just needed a break from the endless cycle of bullshit.

I must have fallen asleep for a second because when I feel the weight of someone's body next to me it startles me more than it should have if I was completely present.

Dear No One (Girlxgirl)(Lesbian Story)(EDITIING)Where stories live. Discover now