Fairy Godmothers

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Please Read! So I know lots of you have been waiting for an update! More specifically Wren's date with Caroline. I am still writing it as we speak! It's so much longer then I thought it was going to be so this is what I have so far! I'm still writing but it won't be put up till later but I'm really working on it. This isn't super edited so it's probably a little shitty but I didn't want to keep anyone waiting. This doesn't have the date included! Just know that lol. Sorry!!

P.S I'll Probably change the shitty title later so don't be alarmed if it's different later lol

Enjoy anyways though!


Today was the day that my splint came off so my mother took a sick day off of work and took me into to see my doctor. He removed it, tested my wrist with a couple of bendy movements, and when I said I didn't feel anyway pain he sent me on my way. I was so relieved to get that thing off.

After getting off the phone with Caroline I sat comfortably on my bed. We talked for hours (we have been doing that a lot lately) while also finally figuring out the details of our date, though she wouldn't tell me where we were going. I realized that I hadn't talked on the phone so effortlessly in a long time. We talked about anything and nothing.

I liked talking to her, but something in the back of my mind told me that it still wasn't the same as talking with the writer. Talking with the writer felt deeper somehow and not aimless. But I couldn't deny that I was fun acting like a silly teenager with no responsibilities.

I sat on my bed with jitters for my date the next day but also staring at the latest letter I was given. I had no clue what to say. So I stared at the loopy rushed penmanship.

Dear I Can't Think of A Name,

Clever sign-off. I must say quality work. Really I commend you. ;)

I have been thinking about our letters. It's funny that no one writes letters anymore but we write them to each other anyway. These days everyone is about typing random emoji's, multiple loll's and haha. I guess we are just too mature and above all that.

I can't really say anything to make you change your mind. Just the thought of giving up on someone just seems painful. But you are a strong person. I can tell. If anyone can do it you can.

I hope your date goes well. I'm glad everything is working out :) You deserve it!

I can't fathom why on earth you want to know the stupid and meaningless things about me. You couldn't have said it better myself. They are stupid and meaningless :)

I feel it too. I feel the clickiness of our relationship if that's even a thing. I don't know why but I can't stop writing these letters to you even though I know that I should stop or that we should stop. Because I don't know if I can stand meeting you in person. I don't know If I'm ready for that. This letter is all over the place and so is my handwriting because just thinking about meeting you makes my hands shake.

Okay, let's start over. Where was I? I don't even know. I'll just respond to you making fun of me about my crush.

Please don't make me more embarrassed then I already I'm. My face is extremely red right now just for your information.  I can tell you are just eating this up. I can tell you are a romantic.

Well where do I even begin with this girl. This girl is just unexplainable and undefinable but at the same time I know everything about her and I know who she is. She is funny. unyieldingly loyal, and hard working. She has this hero complex, where she puts herself before everyone else like a complete idiot. But at the same time, she is just this grounding force that I need. She makes everything make sense. The perfect word to describe her is clarity.

Dear No One (Girlxgirl)(Lesbian Story)(EDITIING)Where stories live. Discover now