Falling is Easy

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Caroline doesn't turn around to look at me, instead she just continues to flip the pages of a notebook. The notebook.

I knew it was the writer and I's notebook because I could see my own handwriting and the writers as the pages were being flipped.

The blood pounded in my ears as I watched Caroline, leisurely flip through the pages. She seemed to be skimming over them and not actually reading.

Had I been right?

"Caroline?" My voice cracked under the shear stress that I was feeling that the moment. I almost couldn't breathe at all.

Her redhead whips up to look at the voice who spoke, clearly startled. She didn't speak though. She just kept looking between me and the notebook.

"What are you doing?" I try not to sound to accusatory but I know I did anyways. How could I not? I just found Caroline reading over my personal letters with someone that may or may not be her.

"Wren.. " She started but I don't let her finish because the blood was rushing to my head and the words fall out of my mouth too quickly.

"Are you the person I have been writing to?"

Caroline just gapes not answering my question. She thumbs the pages of the notebook but regardless of her apprehensive nature she shakes her head no.

Unconsciously, I take a couple steps back from Caroline. I had been so sure it the writer was Caroline. How could it not have been? All the pieces had lined up, pointing at Caroline. But it wasn't her and now that it wasn't, Caroline looking through the notebook was a complete invasion of my privacy. She had to know it was me writing back and forth with the writer. My name was on the back of the book for Christ sakes.

But even worse than that, she knew that I was in love with someone else before I could even tell her myself.

My hands started to shake and I fruitlessly try to steady them. My legs felt like they were about to give way underneath me. To stop myself from hurtling to the ground, I quickly sat in the seat across from Caroline, her hazel eyes looking down at the hard wood of the table.

"It's Dylan isn't it?" I honestly could not believe that that was the first thing that she started this conversation with.

"Is Dylan what?"

"You are in love with her."

The silence is deafening when I don't answer, and it's not just because we are in a library. I hadn't even admitted to being in love with Dylan least the a 10 hours ago and here was Caroline confronting me on my feelings.

"Yes I am."

She nods, " To be honest, I knew you were this entire time. I feel so stupid."

"You aren't stupid. I'm stupid for pretending like I wasn't."

Caroline pinches her nose, incredulously. "No I'm stupid. I loved the fact that you were into me. I loved it so much that I was willing to just go with it knowing you loved her."

I smiled a little, "You could have at least told me." This earns me a smile in return, which I was glad for. I didn't want her to feel so bad about dating me especially considering that I was the one at fault. "I'm really sorry."

"Yeah well, when I asked you about her you were so sure that you didn't like her."

I shook my head while tapping my fingers on the table. " Then I just wanted to not like her at all. So I fooled myself into thinking I didn't. "

"She was there you know."

"There when?"

"She was there when you told me that you did have feelings for her." My heart dropped all the way down into my stomach. I wondered if I had known would I have been so adamant about convincing Caroline that I didn't like Dylan. I closed my eyes before asking my next question.

Dear No One (Girlxgirl)(Lesbian Story)(EDITIING)Where stories live. Discover now