The Vicious Cycle

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Hi everyone! I know it's been a really long time but I have been going through some life stuff that I won't even began to list. What it is important to know is that I'm back because writing is important to me and the people the read my crummy stuff are important to me.

The response to Kissing Olivia Winchester has literally being gigantic and I just want to thank everyone who has read my little ole story. I'm just completely floored and speechless on the feedback for it.

I hope I can generate the same love with Dear No One. 

Thanks guys for reading!


A couple nights later, I lay sprawled on my bed trying to get some homework done. My mother calls me downstairs to help out with dinner like I usually do.

I jog down the stairs in no rush. I pass the boys in the living room playing some sort of game they made up.

"Don't forget to use your inside voices." I remind them, knowing that they tend to get a little loud when they play like they do.

Joel and Alec both salute then go back to playing like they were.

I stroll into the kitchen, walking up to my mother who is cutting lettuce on a cutting board. She looks like she could use a break so I bump her hip with mine, pushing her away and taking over her task.

My mother looks at me with a grateful smile and takes a seat at the island in the middle of the room. As she sits there, she closes her eyes tiredly. I can see dark circles under her eyes that have formed because of lack of sleep. I start to feel bad for her once again. I didn't want to pity my mother, rather I want to take on all her burdens and shoulder them for her. I know that I can't.

"Did I say thank you for taking the boys and picking them up from school today?" She says, running her hands through her dark blonde hair and looking at me. It always bothered me how much I didn't see myself in her. I only wish that I did. I didn't want anything in common with my father. I wasn't lucky enough to get what I want.

"You know that you don't need to. I'm happy to help." I say nonchalantly still cutting the lettuce for the salad to go along with the salmon and rice for dinner.

"I know you are, but you are a teenager. You shouldn't have to be as grown up as you are." I have to disagree with her. The circumstances my father left us in forced me to grow up and start helping out.

My mother gets up again up, not resting nearly as long as I want her to, but of course she is stubborn, and goes over to clean the salmon then season it.

"I don't have to. I want to help you out. I know how tired you are."

She stops what she is doing and looks me in the eye seriously. I always hated when she did this. It makes me feel guilty of something though I'm not sure what for.  "That may be, but you are still a kid; it's not your job to take care of me. I take care of you."

"I know that, Mom. But I don't want you running yourself in the ground." I stop, not wanting to think about that, but I have already said it now. "Not if I can help it."

She smiles softly at me before coming over to kiss me on the forehead. "You're a good daughter."

"One of a kind." I say smiling wide at her. "And if I don't take care of you, who will?" She kisses me on the forehead again before going over to put the salmon into the oven to bake. I start putting the salad into the bowl with other things. We go on like this for a while. I find the silence comforting rather than awkward. Well half silence anyways. The boys are shouting in the living room, still playing their game. The monotony and familiar sounds is soothing to be honest.

Dear No One (Girlxgirl)(Lesbian Story)(EDITIING)Where stories live. Discover now