A Little Too Much

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Yes, it has literally been forever. Really, it hasn't but it sure feels like it. I hope you guys didn't miss me too much. I sure missed you guys and I miss just writing. Though I have been reading every single comment that is written here I still miss regularly updating. I had been very busy. The school semester has been crazy for me and then I just got a job so my life is a little crazy. Lucky school just ended so I should have more time on my hands.

Okay, enough with the talking. I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter after a long wait. I hope most of you still stuck around with me :) Enjoy! Please comment, vote, and follow because everything helps.


It is the end of the day and I have nowhere to be, so I stand with Erin by her locker as she at first begins by apologizing for not texting me back, which I have already forgiven her for but it is nice of her to give me one. Then she goes right into her night with Paul at his parents, not even pausing to take a breath.

I have the day off today, which I think is very well deserved. Though I should have been at home, helping my mom prepare dinner or helping to wrangle in the boys so that she could take a break for a moment. But, I decide to stay at the school for a little while longer as Erin waited for Paul's soccer game to start. I wanted to pretend that I have nothing more important to do just for an hour.

I am suppose to be listening to whatever Erin was saying, but everything was going through one ear and out the other.

Not far from Erin and I, Dylan stands with Camille which is where my focus really is. Camille and Dylan have never really been friends, they are just two people only put together by circumstance so they hang out. Well from the looks of it more like Camille talks while Dylan just stands there.

Which was really funny to me because it seemed like Dylan and I were both doing the same thing. It should have made me feel like a bad friend, but all I can do is find it funny.

I don't even notice that I have laughed a bit out loud at the irony of the situation until I realize that Dylan looks away from Camille to see who laughed and now she is staring right at me with her shadowy eyes.

As soon as my eyes lock with hers, from where I stand, I see something flash in her eyes, but as quick as it is there it was gone. Dylan stares at me for a moment, then looks always going back to pretending to listen to Camille. I know she isn't really listening because her eyes were cloudy.

" I saw that." Erin speaks up, breaking my line of vision waving her hand in my face. I give Erin a blank look, trying to process in my head what she was talking about. It clicks that she was talking about the eye contact that Dylan and I just had.

"Saw what?" I asked, pretending to not know what she was referring to. I ran my hand through my brown hair trying not to look as rattled as I feel. Those dark eyes haven't looked directly at me in a long time. It is jarring when they finally do even though it was only for a moment. It affected me in a weird way, a way that I really don't understand.

"You looking at Dylan. Her looking at you. It's so painful to look at you two." Erin said with exaggerating the situation, putting her fingertips on her temples as if she is getting a headache.

"Oh! Did I tell you Caroline was probably flirting with me the other day." I change the subject. I really don't want to get back on the topic of me and Dylan with Erin again. Erin feels that we are destined to be together. I just wanted Dylan to be my friend again. I know I sound like a kid, but she is a basically like the first friend I've ever had besides Derek. I missed her sometimes and she is important to me, though I know that things will probably never be the same again.

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