Unloved and Unwanted

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Hello! It's been a while but here we are. I hope you guys like what I have cooked up. I thought it was absolutely delicious. Lol anyways make sure you read the bottom of this for a PSA that I need to make concerning the rest of the story.

I'd also like to ask you guys that if you have hunches about what is going to happen for the rest of the story, I do love love love when you guys comment with your idea's but please remember that their are others who are reading this story and some that read the comments. Some people might not want to know your theories. I just thought I'd comment. But in my opinion feel free to comment what you want but don't forget about everyone else.

Anyway read on!


Caroline had texted me that she would be near my house soon but she was running late. If I thought that I was nervous for our first date, boy was being nervous now completely different from then.

For me, it wasn't hard to be myself on a first date. It was just like everyday life but out with someone that you like. Meeting Caroline's dad over dinner was something else entirely.

I have never actually met someone's parents that I have had the intentions of dating along with the intentions of other things if you know what I mean.

What if he was one of those giant bodybuilder types and could crush me where I stood just for looking at Caroline funny. Or what if he was the type that just glared the entire time, just to try to psych me out. Option one would be extremely painful and option two would be extremely awkward. I didn't like my odds.

What were my chances that he would be a warm cuddly man with no intentions of maiming me?

To calm my nerves, I decided to just read the writers recent letter. The writer always had a way of taking my mind off of everything.

But when I opened the notebook, my heart completely stopped in my chest when a pressed yellow rose fluttered out from in between the pages and onto the kitchen floor.

I didn't move but rather I just stared at it. The writer had left a flower for me. Me.

I had never received anything like this from, well, anyone. My breath caught in my throat and I couldn't move. The flower lay on my foot, still as I was.

When I did move, my motions were slow as if I was scared that it would disintegrate under my touch. I picked up the flower, feeling the soft yellow petals and then I brought it to my nose, breathing in its subtle scent. Its stem had been cut short to fit inside the book . It had also been pressed hard so it lost most of its shape but it was still distinctly a yellow rose.

I suddenly felt overwhelmed like I had forgotten to breathe, or rather that I couldn't breathe at all. I stopped staring at the rose so that I could hungrily read what the writer had written.

Dear Crying While at Work,

I hate that man made you cry. You really really don't deserve the way that he treats you. Not in the slightest. I'm sorry that I am a coward and I can't be there to comfort you in person like I should be. So please accept this rose as a form of comfort.

Imagine my surprise going into a flower shop and being completely blown away. I am neither the type to care much about flowers or actually give flowers but I thought it seemed to fit the situation. So, of course, I had no freaking clue what flower to get you, especially since there were so many with all different meanings.

The flower lady said I should go with this one.

She said that it meant wishing the well being for someone else, but also warmth, friendship, and optimism.

Dear No One (Girlxgirl)(Lesbian Story)(EDITIING)Where stories live. Discover now